Is it illegal to stay in a building during a fire alarm?

Is it illegal to stay in a building during a fire alarm?

It generally is illegal to impede the work of firefighters. For example, refusing to evacuate a building when directed to do so. If you live in an appartment building and don't leave during a fire alarm you are probably not breaking any law but you should be prepared for a scolding from irritated firefighters.

How does a fire alarm sound like?

When the fire alarm is activated, building occupants will hear a horn which will sound FOUR-FOUR-FOUR (4-4-4). The duration of this signal will be approximately fifteen (15) seconds. A pre-recorded voice message (female voice) will be heard over the building intercom system. The evacuation alarm will be a slow 'whoop'.

How often should you do a fire drill?

Ideally you should aim to have two fire drills a year at your premises, although this may vary depending on what has been set out in your company's risk assessment. If you employ shift workers, appropriate arrangements should be made to ensure all staff participate in at least one fire drill per year.

When should I pull my fire alarm?

But again, I would encourage calling 9–1–1 or the emergency number once you are in a safe area since an automa Pull the alarm. It will alert others in the building to a possible emergency and if wired to a central station, either go directly to fire dispatch or to an alarm service that will call the fire department.

How do you turn off a fire alarm?

To disable a battery-powered fire alarm, start by locating the reset button on the front of the device. If there's not a reset button on the front, you may need to unscrew the alarm to get to the button on the back. Once you've found the reset button, hold it down for 15 seconds to disable the alarm.

What should you do if you hear a continuous fire alarm?

If there is a continuous fire alarm, evacuate to the fire as- sembly point as indicated on fire action notices. Do not re-enter the building unless told it is safe by the fire response team or fire and rescue service.

What are the different types of fire alarm systems?

The two main types of fire alarm systems are conventional and addressable. The various components that make up these systems are either automatic or manual.

How long should it take to evacuate a building?

You are right, in very low risk premises a typical evacuation time of 3 minutes to a place of relative safety may be acceptable and in high risk premises a typical time of 2 minutes is normal.

How a fire alarm would be raised?

On discovering a fire, raise the alarm by shouting FIRE! (to alert anyone in the immediate vicinity) and then activate the nearest push-glass fire alarm call-point (small red box, close to major exits). If safe to do so, use an appropriate fire extinguisher to tackle the fire, but only if your exit is clear.

How do I activate my fire alarm?

To activate a Fire Alarm, pull the handle on one of the red fire alarm boxes. In all cases of fire, call 911 immediately. Someone must report the fire.