Is it better to sleep with your hair up or down?

Is it better to sleep with your hair up or down?

It's actually better if you sleep with your hair up, rather than down. Whether it's in a braid, a loose bun, or wrapped with bobby pins, you will experience less breakage with your hair secure. This helps distribute the natural oil from your scalp throughout the rest of your hair.

Is it bad to wear your hair in a bun everyday?

If you're pulling your hair back into a tight bun or ponytail daily, the tension can cause strands to break where they're being held by your elastic or pull out at the root. Do this instead: Alternate loose styles with tighter ones, and use a soft elastic that won't pull on strands.

Is it bad to tie your hair up?

Unnatural bends in your hair, and the way your elastic is tied around your hair can cause breakage. The tighter your style and the more often you wear it, the more damage that can occur. Be especially careful tying your hair up when it's wet. Wet hair is even more fragile and will break more easily.