Is it better to mine at y11 or y12?

Is it better to mine at y11 or y12?

Y11 is the best place to mine. Mine at or above that and you'll be fine. Also, you're going to find a lot less diamonds below and above y=12. IIRC, some guy show the distribution of ores at those levels and 12 was the best for diamonds.

What is the best fuel in Minecraft?

Wooden slabs are by far the best and most efficient fuel in minecraft for the simple reason that you can make a lot of them out of just a few logs. 3 logs make 12 planks, which in turn create 24 wooden slabs, which all burn for 15 seconds.

Does TNT destroy diamond ore?

Is TNT able to completely destroy Diamond Ore? It will break the ore and drop a diamond. A single explosion won't destroy the diamonds however you will only get 1 diamond when the block breaks, so it's better to use fortune and have a chance of getting more than a single diamond per ore block.

What layer is diamond most common in Minecraft?

Diamond can be found anywhere beneath layer 16, but is most common in layers 5-12. Methods for finding the ore generally fall in two categories: either caving or mining. Either way, the player will need an iron, diamond or netherite pickaxe to mine the diamonds (also any gold, emerald, or redstone they come across).

What level should I strip mine on?

I would recommend to strip mine at y11, this is because it is above lava and you can find any ores at this level. If you bring a water bucket you can pour it over any lava you mine into.

What is the best way to strip mine?

Why can’t I mine diamonds in Minecraft?

1 Answer. A pick made of iron will mine all ores. A stone pick will only mine coal, and iron; but will destroy gold, diamond, redstone and emerald without dropping the item. The diamond pickaxe is the only pickaxe to get obsidian.

Can you smelt diamond ore?

Like coal ore, Lapis Lazuli Ore, Redstone Ore, and Emerald Ore, diamond ore doesn't need to be smelted. Diamond ore is technically not an ore as it is a precious stone, rather than a malleable material or metal. Diamond ore can have as many as 10 ores congruent, whereas gold ore only goes up to 9.

How deep should I mine in Minecraft?

At the bottom of every world is a layer of unbreakable bedrock. Ores in Minecraft are most commonly located only a few blocks above this layer, so dig until your character's y-coordinate is 13 or so. (Press F3 to see this value.)

What is the best level to strip mine diamonds?

Can I mine obsidian with an iron pickaxe?

Obsidian can now be mined with an iron pickaxe (has since been removed) or moved by endermen. The enchantment table has been introduced, which is crafted using obsidian. Obsidian mining time has been increased from 2.5 to 9.4 seconds.

How many diamonds are in a chunk?

There is on average 3.7 diamonds in a chunk, with a chunk being a 16×16 area.

Are diamonds found near Lava in Minecraft?

Diamonds are usually found near lava, but gold is a little more sporadic. Still, near lava is usually the general area.

What coordinates are diamonds in Minecraft?

Diamonds occur between the Y-coordinates 5 and 16, though they occur most often between layers 5 and 12. You can check your Y-coordinates by opening your map (console and PE), or by pressing F3 (PC) or Alt + Fn + F3 (Mac).

Does every chunk have diamonds?

There is 3.097 diamonds in every chunk.

Can I mine diamond with gold pickaxe?

A pick made of iron will mine all ores. A stone pick will only mine coal, and iron; but will destroy gold, diamond, redstone and emerald without dropping the item. The diamond pickaxe is the only pickaxe to get obsidian. A wooden pickaxe will only mine coal, diorite, granite, and stone.

Which pickaxe can mine gold?

If you mine y11 you see these coords (y9, y10,y11 and y12) diamond rates at Y12 is much lower than y8 so if you mine at y10 you see (y8, y9,y10 and y11) This way you will increase your diamond luck. And always mine the top block first so if there is lava you see it before it spreads all over you.

Why is strip mining bad?

Strip mining destroys landscapes, forests and wildlife habitats at the site of the mine when trees, plants, and topsoil are cleared from the mining area. This in turn leads to soil erosion and destruction of agricultural land. When rain washes the loosened top soil into streams, sediments pollute waterways.

What are the 4 types of mining?

The three most common types of surface mining are open-pit mining, strip mining, and quarrying.

Where is strip mining done?

Strip mining has occurred mainly in the Appalachian Mountains and adjacent areas, the Central Plains from Indiana and Illinois through Oklahoma, and new mines for subbituminous coal in North Dakota, Wyoming, and Montana.

What are the pros and cons of strip mining?

Mining operations can be grouped into five major categories in terms of their respective resources. These are oil and gas extraction, coal mining, metal ore mining, nonmetallic mineral mining and quarrying, and mining support activities.

How is stripping ratio calculated?

At their most basic, strip ratios can be calculated by dividing overburden thickness by ore thickness. For example, an overburden thickness of 100 meters and an ore thickness of 50 meters would yield a strip ratio of 2:1. That means mining 1 cubic meter of ore would require mining 3 cubic meters of overburden.

Is open pit a subsurface mine?

There are five main types of surface mining that are used in various degrees and for different resources, including strip mining, open-pit mining, mountaintop removal, dredging, and high wall mining. However, surface mining can be more environmentally-damaging than subsurface mining.

What is the most common type of mining?

Mining techniques can be divided into two common excavation types: surface mining and sub-surface (underground) mining. Today, surface mining is much more common, and produces, for example, 85% of minerals (excluding petroleum and natural gas) in the United States, including 98% of metallic ores.

How does mining affect humans?

Mining has adverse effects both on miner and environment. The effect of mining includes erosion,, formation ofsinkholes, loss of biodiversity, and contamination of soil, groundwater and surface water by chemicals from mining processes. Humans are also affected by mining.

What is the difference between strip mining and subsurface mining?

a) The difference between surface and subsurface mining is that surface mining is on the Earth's surface and moves the un-needed materials out of the way in order to obtain the desired minerals and energy. Strip mining is where a trench is dug to obtain the materials.

How do you open pit mine?

' In some cases, de-watering bores are drilled horizontally into the walls to relieve water pressure, which can destroy the walls if not properly addressed. A haul road is dug at the side of the pit to form a ramp for ore-carrying trucks to haul material to and from the mining site.

What is stripping ratio in mining?

In mining, stripping ratio or strip ratio refers to the ratio of the volume of overburden (or waste material) required to be handled in order to extract some tonnage of ore. For example, a 3:1 stripping ratio means that mining one tonne of ore will require mining three tonnes of waste rock.