Is it better to get a male or female goldendoodle?

Is it better to get a male or female goldendoodle?

"Some believe that the male dog is more affectionate and easier to train, while the female dog is more aggressive and protective of its owners and puppies. "Male dogs tend to be more stable in mood than female dogs – less prone to emotional swings."

Do goldendoodles potty train easily?

Fortunately, the answer is yes. Being intelligent dogs, Goldendoodles are usually easy to train. Their intelligence combined with their desire to please makes it simple for them to understand your commands and quickly grasp what you expect from them.

Can goldendoodles be left alone?

Although Goldendoodles typically do better when there is someone home with them, they can be left home alone for several hours with proper preparation and training. If your Goldendoodle is still a puppy, an hour or two is the maximum amount they should be left alone.

At what age will my Goldendoodle calm down?

If you're in the middle of puppyhood, you can probably expect your goldendoodle to settle down at least a little at around 8-14 months of age. From here, a slow transition from young dog to old dog occurs. It's entirely likely that your puppy will remain excited about new people until he is over 10 years old!

Are goldendoodles chewers?

Growing in popularity throughout the world, the Goldendoodle is a lovable, energetic bundle of fluff that brings happiness to every home. These adorable teddy bear like dogs are also destructive chewers.

What is the lifespan of a goldendoodle?

The goldendoodle's average lifespan is around 10 to 15 years and is inherited from their golden retriever and poodle parent breeds. Golden retrievers tend to have a slightly shorter life span of 10 to 12 years, while poodles average around 12 to 15 years.

Do goldendoodles pee a lot?

A healthy dog will usually pee once every 4 to 6 hours. As puppies mature and become house trained, they will usually urinate less often during the day. But as they get into their senior years, it's normal for them to begin to urinate more frequently.

How long can a Goldendoodle be left alone?

An adult dog can be alone in a crate for up to 8 hours, but it shouldn't be much longer than that if possible. If the dog is an adult left loose in the house, he can be left alone for up to 12 hours.

Why does my Goldendoodle pee so much?

Why does my Goldendoodle pee so much? Many dogs pee a lot to mark their territory. Others pee in certain social situations or because of overheating and drinking more. Some medical causes for frequent urination in dogs include urinary tract infections (UTI), diabetes, and spay incontinence.

How often should I bathe my Goldendoodle?

How Often Should I Bathe My Goldendoodle? Goldendoodles should be washed everywhere once a month to once every three months.

Do goldendoodles chew a lot?

Depending on your breed, some puppies chew more than others. The Goldendoodle, for instance, is a very mouthy dog and loves to chew! This chewing can turn into “nipping” or “biting” during play with their owner.

How do you stop a dog from peeing and pooping in the house?

Set up a routine where she is taken outside every couple of hours. Establish a place in the yard where she is to potty, and take her to that same spot every time. Use a leash. Allow her to sniff around and get used to going to that spot, even if she doesn't do anything.

How do you housebreak a goldendoodle puppy?

One of the first questions my friends ask after getting a puppy is usually how many times their dog needs to eliminate. How often do puppies poop and pee? The short answer is 3-5 times a day.

How do you train a goldendoodle to pee outside?

Don't give them a big variety of treats. Use the same door for going outside to 'do business'. Wait until they are 5 to 8 months to start experimenting with food and different treats. Use the crate (click here for our crate training tips) to help them learn to "hold" it.

Why does my Goldendoodle have straight hair?

The means that if you have keratin from your genetic structure than your Goldendoodle will have a straight or flat coat. You can get a DNA test to determine if your dog has the presence of this gene. In reality, most Goldendoodles will have a wavy coat and won't actually have straight or flat coats.

How big do goldendoodles get?

These dogs tend to range in size from 13 to 20 inches in height and 15 to 35 pounds in weight. The average height for a Small Standard Goldendoodle is 17 to 20 inches; the weight is 40 to 50 pounds. The Large Standard Goldendoodle averages 20 to 24 inches in height and weighs 50 to 90 pounds.

How often do Goldendoodle puppies pee?

A six to eight-week-old puppy should be taken outdoors every hour. Older puppies can generally wait longer between outings. Some examples of when a puppy should be taken out at first are: After waking in the morning.

Do goldendoodles get fleas?

Flea and tick season usually last for about four months out of the year, depending upon where you live. Lyme disease is a real threat to Goldendoodles. If you reside in an area where Lyme disease is a possible issue, your veterinarian should provide your Goldendoodle a vaccination for this disease.