Is it better to be a late bloomer?

Is it better to be a late bloomer?

You're better at sex and dating. People who hit their sexual stride later in life tend to be more self aware and better at relationships. After spending a lifetime of watching those around them date and experience failed relationships, late bloomers are able to learn from others mistakes and internalize them.

What if you’re a late bloomer?

Being a late bloomer is the most common cause of delayed puberty. It's not caused by a medical problem and usually doesn't need treatment. Late bloomers will eventually start puberty on their own and catch up to their friends. Other causes for delayed puberty may be due to Kallmann Syndrome.

Do late bloomers live longer?

The article Intellectual maturity and longevity: late-blooming composers and writers live longer than child prodigies by Maurits P.J. Hafkamp, Joris P.J. Slaets and David van Bodegom was published in scientific journal Aging on 30 May 2017.

Are late bloomers smarter?

Late bloomers do not suddenly become smart or talented. They are most likely intrinsically motivated, which means that they are internally motivated.