Is it bad to put vanilla extract in coffee?

Is it bad to put vanilla extract in coffee?

Vanilla Extract – If you like to sweeten your coffee, you don't need to depend on sugar and processed creamers. Try a few drops of pure vanilla extract instead. For a different taste, you can also try almond extract. Mix it with vanilla extract for a homemade coffee creamer.

What can you put in coffee instead of milk?

Ice Cream. At the end of the day, ice cream is basically frozen milk and sugar—which is what you'd be putting into your coffee anyway. Plop a spoonful of it in your coffee and stir, and if it's chocolate, even better!

What can I use as a substitute for coffee creamer?

Ice Cream. At the end of the day, ice cream is basically frozen milk and sugar—which is what you'd be putting into your coffee anyway. Plop a spoonful of it in your coffee and stir, and if it's chocolate, even better!

Is milk in coffee bad for you?

Instead of a non-dairy creamer, consider adding some full-fat cream to your coffee, preferably from grass-fed cows. Studies show that milk products contain some important nutrients. For example, dairy is an excellent calcium source and may reduce the risk of osteoporosis and bone fractures ( 13 ).

How can I make my coffee better?

On top of that, black coffee is good for you. If you add sugar or too much cream, the benefits of black coffee will be diluted. When you drink your coffee black, you can taste its real flavor, and when you get used to it, there's no turning back.

What can I mix with coffee?

However, there is not much research on the health effects of non-dairy coffee creamers. Their contents vary by brand, and some may be healthier than others. If you like diluting your coffee with a creamer, consider choosing whole milk or cream.

How do you Flavour coffee?

Although coffee is healthy in itself, you can easily turn it into something harmful. The best way to do that is to put a whole bunch of sugar in it. Sugar, mainly due to its high amount of fructose, is linked to all sorts of serious diseases like obesity and diabetes ( 7 ).

Can you put cream cheese in coffee?

It's not a chunk of cheese melted into your morning cup o'joe—it's more like a sweet-and-savory, luscious take on whipped cream. "When the sweet and savory taste of the cheese cream meet the pure and aromatic coffee flavor, it's unlike anything you've ever experienced before.

Can you add cinnamon to coffee?

Just add a sprinkle of cinnamon on top of your ground coffee beans and prepare your coffee as usual. You can also store your coffee beans with a few sticks of cinnamon so that the cinnamon flavor infuses the beans.