Is Hamlet indecisive and or a coward explain?

Is Hamlet indecisive and or a coward explain?

In the play, Hamlet is supposed to be portrayed as brave and intelligent but looking deep into the play it is seen that Hamlet is more of a coward and an indecisive man through out most of the play. Hamlet doesn’t know what he is doing in his life because he can’t act upon his father’s murder.

What is Hamlet’s weakness?

Hover for more information. Hamlet’s main strength in the first four acts is also his great weakness: he thinks before he acts. In many ways, this is a strength. Much as he loved his father and dislikes Claudius, he doesn’t rush in immediately after the ghost’s revelation and murder his uncle.

Is Hamlet a procrastinator?

Though at first highly motivated to seek his revenge, Hamlet quickly begins to procrastinate as a result of his contemplative nature. After Gertrude is poisoned, Hamlet’s rage consumes him; Hamlet kills Claudius, finally ending his procrastination. …

Does Hamlet cause his own downfall?

Hamlet is partly responsible for his own downfall and the many tragic deaths, but he is mostly the victim of circumstances. A much larger share of the responsibility belongs to Claudius. As a fundamentally moral person trying to function in an amoral society, Hamlet often becomes confused and frustrated.

What is the reason for Hamlet’s downfall?

Mental illness, inner conflict, and determination for revenge are leading factors that results to Hamlet’s downfall. His inner conflict and obsession with revenge played a roll in his mental state. He was so tied up and focused on planning a perfect revenge that he did not noticed he was also in danger.

Is Hamlet to blame for the tragic ending?

Most of the deaths in the play can be argued in many ways, but one character that is definitely to blame for a lot of deaths is Hamlet. Hamlet is the tragic hero in the play and although his plan was only to kill Claudius he ended up taking out a lot of other characters along the way.

Who is to blame for the tragedy in Hamlet?

Claudius is more responsible than Hamlet for the tragedies in the play. He is more responsible for a few main reasons. The murder of King Hamlet, his frantic actions, and the manipulation of Laertes are all contributions to the tragic events in Hamlet. The murder of King Hamlet can be seen as where it all began.

Who is responsible for Ophelia’s death?


How many deaths is Hamlet responsible for?

By the end of the tragedy, Hamlet has caused the deaths of Polonius, Laertes, Claudius, and Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, two acquaintances of his from childhood. He is also indirectly involved in the deaths of his love Ophelia (drowning) and of his mother Gertrude (poisoned by Claudius by mistake).

Why does Hamlet decide not to kill Claudius after the traveling players play?

19. Why does Hamlet decide not to kill Claudius after the traveling players’ play? Claudius is praying. Claudius is asleep.

Who is the last character to die in the play?


Why doesn’t hamlet take the ghost’s word without proof?

What country does Fortinbras’ uncle preside? Who does Hamlet have watch Claudius during the play? Why doesn’t Hamlet just take the ghost’s word without proof? Claudius is praying and didn’t want Claudius to go to heaven.

Where does the ghost of King Hamlet appear?

In Hamlet. The Ghost appears four times in the play: in Act I, Scene i; in the continuum of Act I, Scenes iv and v; and Act III, Scene iv. The Ghost arrives shortly after midnight in at least two of the scenes, and in the other scenes, all that is known is that it is night.

Is the ghost really Hamlet’s father?

However, the basic nature and intention of the Ghost remain mysterious. The Ghost claims that it is the spirit of Hamlet’s father, and that it currently spends most of its time in purgatory being purified before it can enter heaven, and that it has been released for a short time to deliver its message to Hamlet.

Why is the ghost doomed to walk the night?

Terms in this set (4) Why is the ghost of Hamlet’s father doomed to walk the earth during the night and spend its days in flames? Another theme of the play is revenge. He can’t behave morally if he’s taking revenge on his uncle because he’s not doing the right thing.

Why does the ghost only speak to Hamlet?

Hover for more information. The sentinel is not included for a couple of reasons. One is that he may alert others, believing the former king to be an evil spirit. But the more important reason is that only Hamlet can avenge his father’s death and he alone must be privy to the shocking truth.

Who sees the ghost first in Hamlet?


Why is King Hamlet in Purgatory?

When King Hamlet meets his son, he explains that he is trapped in purgatory because of the crimes he committed in life: ”I am thy father’s spirit.

Who is spying on Hamlet and Ophelia?

Claudius orders Gertrude to leave so that he and Polonius can spy on Hamlet, who has an imminent meeting with Ophelia. Ophelia enters, and the Queen, in a moment of maternal affection, tells Ophelia that she hopes that Hamlet and Ophelia will patch up their broken romance so that Hamlet can get on with his life.

How is the ghost dressed to Hamlet?

Saying he would not believe had he not seen for himself, Horatio is astounded to have seen the Ghost of King Hamlet dressed in the armor he wore when he conquered old King Fortinbras and defeated the Poles. The Ghost reappears, and Horatio entreats it to stay.

Why does Hamlet not stay with Horatio and Marcellus?

4 Why does Hamlet not stay with Horatio and Marcellus? He follows the ghost so he can talk to him. The he was murdered by Hamlet’s uncle.

What makes Hamlet sad or depressed?

Hamlet is feeling very depressed about his father’s death, and so both his uncle, King Claudius, and his mother, Gertrude, try to cheer him up. Hamlet still feels sad and he talks to the audience about the cause of his depression – the fact that his mother has married his uncle.

How do Hamlet and Horatio know each other?

Horatio is Hamlet’s trusted friend and confidant. When we first see Horatio in Shakespeare’s Hamlet, he is called upon by the castle guards to address the ghost that they have encountered. Horatio is a discerning and intelligent man, and the appearance of this ghost makes him deeply uneasy.

Is Horatio in love with Hamlet?

For example in Hamlet, he and Horatio were more than just friends they were lovers. Horatio is the only one who knows for certain that Hamlet madness is an act. He is the one person Hamlet love deeply, and trust personally, and the main person to comfort him at his death.

How is Horatio a foil to Hamlet?

Horatio serves as Hamlet’s foil throughout the play and is his loyal friend. As was mentioned in the previous post, Horatio is trustworthy, rational, and level-headed. Hamlet confides in Horatio throughout the play, and Horatio is always quick to offer sound advice.