Is Goodreads free?

Is Goodreads free?

No – Goodreads is a completely free book review and recommendation site, so you won't need to pay to access the site or app, unless you're an author who is creating a giveaway.

Is Goodreads safe?

Goodreads is the largest and most popular site of this type online, and it shows. But as long as parents help teens establish responsible social networking habits, Goodreads can be a fun and safe place for teens to share their love of books.

Is there an app to read books for free?

Goodreads is a free service. Scan book covers to instantly read reviews and save it on your Want to Read shelf. Get personalized recommendations based on your tastes. Browse featured books and genres to discover more books you'll love.

What is Kindle Goodreads?

Goodreads is the world's largest community for book lovers. by linking your Amazon account. Add and rate Kindle books and print books you've purchased on Amazon to get personalized recommendations. Never forget a book you've read and track towards your Reading Challenge by automatically shelving your Kindle books.

How do I use Goodreads?

Goodreads is a social-media page for tracking your reading and communicating with other readers, not a source for books. To read a book, you can buy a physical copy, borrow from your library, buy or borrow an ebook, or buy or borrow an audiobook. After you read it, get on Goodreads to update and discuss it.