Is gengar good platinum?

Is gengar good platinum?

Gengar is a special sweeper, due to its base stats. He can’t take hits, his Atk is horrible, but he’s fast, he has a great Sp. Atk, and he has great special moves.

Is infernape better than Empoleon?

Lets say if it survives one hit from Infernape’s Fire attacks, or if it is faster than Empoleon, it can K.O. both of them at ease. But if you’re more of the speedy fast kill type, you should go with Infernape. Empoleon is pretty good. Keeping it simple till something comes in here.

Who is the best starter in Pokemon Platinum?


Which Gen 4 starter is the best?

Piplup definitely is my favorite gen 4 starter. Empoleon is so unique with its design and typing. Chimchar is my second favorite, and then Turtwig. Chimchar, the best option.

Which is the best starter in Sinnoh?

I think Chimchar is usually the best. It can learn fire blast and focus blast before the third gym, and Infernape has better offensive typing compared to the other starters. It’s also more likely to outspeed and one-shot opponents and less likely to give them a chance to use an annoying status move.

Why is Empoleon bad?

Five reasons why it’s bad: 1. It learns Aqua Jet at the same time Infernape and Torterra learn Close Combat and Earthquake, leaving its strongest level up move before level 59 Bubblebeam. Choosing Piplup means you don’t have Infernape, leaving you with no good Fire types in Steel Land in Diamond and Pearl.

What is the strongest starter Pokemon ever?

  • Piplup/Empoleon. Type: Water/Steel.
  • Bulbasaur/Venusaur. Type: Grass/Poison.
  • Mudkip/Swampert. Type: Water/Ground.
  • Fennekin/Delphox. Type: Fire/Psychic.
  • Froakie/Greninja. Type: Water/Dark.
  • Chespin/Chesnaught. Type: Grass/Fighting.
  • Torchic/Blaziken. Type: Fire/Fighting.
  • Treecko/Sceptile. Type: Grass, Grass/Dragon (Mega Sceptile)

What is the best starter for diamond?

Chose Charmander. Chimchar. Bear in mind that in diamond/Pearl, there are many water and grass types to choose from, yet only Infernape and Rapidash when it comes to fire. Infernape is far better in almost all situations, so I’d grab one along with a Gyarados and an Abomasnow for good type coverage.

Which is better Fennekin or Froakie?

Technically, Froakie and Fennekin are tied for first place, but since Fennekin is likely to handle much better for new players, it takes the top spot.

Why turtwig is the best starter?

Turtwig. Fully evolved Turtwig to the far right. If you’re looking for a strong defense, attack and HP, but you don’t mind sacrificing speed, Turtwig is a good choice. It eventually becomes a grass and ground type, which gives it an advantage against steel types and even fire types such as Infernape.

Which is better turtwig chimchar or piplup?

If you want a easy time in the first gyms, you choose grass (turtwig) If you want a mediumhard playthrough pick piplup. and if you want to play the “hard” mode, pick Chimchar.

What is the best starter for Unova?

Pokémon Black & White: Which Starter Is The Best?

  • 3 Snivy: Best In Later Generations.
  • 4 Tepig: Most Competitively Viable.
  • 5 Oshawott: Least Weaknesses.
  • 6 Snivy: The Fastest.
  • 7 Tepig: Two STAB Moves.
  • 8 Oshawott: Best Final Stat Spread.
  • 9 Snivy: Best Defensive Utility.
  • 10 Tepig: Best Early On.

Which is the best starter Pokemon in Kanto?

Pokémon: 5 Things That Prove Charmander Is The Best Kanto Starter (& 5 Things About Squirtle That Make It Better)

  1. 1 Squirtle – It Has High Defense.
  2. 2 Charmander – It Has Two Mega Evolutions.
  3. 3 Squirtle – It Can Learn Surf.
  4. 4 Charmander – The Player Can Fly On Charizard.
  5. 5 Squirtle – It’s Super Cute.

Is Torterra good in platinum?

It’s a bulky Grass/Ground type with high Att and Def at the cost of very low SpAtt and Spe. It has STAB Earthquake which is a plus and is good at tanking. Overall Torterra is a pretty decent pokemon that can hold it’s own against anyone.

Why is Torterra weak?

Torterra is a Grass/Ground type Pokémon, which makes it especially weak against Ice moves, and weak against Fire, Flying and Bug moves.

Is Togekiss good in platinum?

Staraptor/togekiss – Staraptor compliments both starters very well as it has great speed and physical attack and can learn fighting type moves. Staraptor compliments Infernape by giving you another fighting pokemon that can learn close combat and a pokemon that has high speed and physicall attack.

Is Torterra a good Pokemon?

Similar to Tangrowth, Torterra is a great, well rounded addition whose performance will solely depend on its move pool. Unlike Tangrowth, Torterra’s move pool is a bit more complicated, as you’ll see soon.

Can Torterra mega evolve?

Torterra is a is a dual-type Grass/Ground Pokémon introduced in the Sinnoh region. It can Mega Evolve into Mega Torterra using the Torterrite.

Is Torterra good competitively?

Stealth Rock is mandatory on every competitive team, and Torterra is a decent user of the move thanks to its durability. Earthquake is Torterra’s secondary STAB move and has good coverage alongside Wood Hammer, threatening Steel-types like Registeel and Metagross and Fire-types like Arcanine and Ninetales.

How do you counter Torterra?

The best Pokemon Go Torterra counters are Shadow Mamoswine, Shadow Weavile, Mega Abomasnow, Galarian Darmanitan, Shadow Mewtwo & Weavile.

Is Empoleon a good Pokemon?

Empoleon is not one of them, and is a great choice for the Great and Ultra League. But you need a good moveset to make it work. Empoleon is a Water and Steel-type Pokémon. Because it’s resistant to so many Pokémon, it’s medium stats are pretty great and make it a worthwhile option.

Is frenzy plant an elite TM?

A comprehensive tier list of best Pokémon and moves to use your Elite TM’s on….Community Day / Shadow Pokémon Elite TM Tier List.

Pokémon Move Tier
Torterra Frenzy Plant A
Flygon Earth Power A
Infernape Blast Burn A
Empoleon Hydro Cannon A

Can Torterra learn Frenzy Plant?

Unsurprisingly, Torterra learns Frenzy Plant when evolved during the event period and up to two hours after.

Is frenzy plant a special attack?

Frenzy Plant (Japanese: ハードプラント Hard Plant) is a damage-dealing Grass-type move introduced in Generation III….Frenzy Plant (move)

Type Grass
Category Special
PP 5 (max. 8)
Power 150
Accuracy 90%

Can venusaur learn Frenzy Plant?

As it can be seen, Frenzy Plant is a very powerful charge move, and pairing it up with Vine Whip will make Venusaur shine more than ever….Grass type movesets.

Fast Move Charge Move Weave DPS
Vine Whip Grass Petal Blizzard Grass 21.59
Razor Leaf Grass Petal Blizzard Grass 21.02
Bullet Seed Grass Seed Bomb Grass 18.88

Can Meganium learn Frenzy Plant?

Best moveset for Meganium The best moves for Meganium are Vine Whip and Frenzy Plant when attacking Pokémon in Gyms.