Is Finnish an easy language to learn?

Is Finnish an easy language to learn?

The 15 grammatical cases in Finnish make it a challenging language to learn as the smallest change in the end of the word can significantly change its meaning. The FSI ranking also lists the easiest languages to learn. They include Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, French, Dutch, Spanish and Romanian.

What language do the Finnish speak?

Finland/Official languages

Does Finnish speak English?

The Finnish people speak excellent English. over a year ago. over a year ago. The main native language is Finnish, with Swedish and the Sami language as other official languages.

Should I learn Finnish?

There are so many reasons to learn Finnish! Understanding a different culture gives you an appreciation for new experiences that will last a lifetime. Learning a new language creates new pathways in the brain. Plus, knowing more than one language is a great credential for any college application or job interview.