Is Farsi Arabic?

Is Farsi Arabic?

Portuguese and French are both Latin, or Romance, languages while Farsi and Arabic represent two different language groups: Iranian and Semitic, respectively. In fact, Farsi is not only in a separate language group from Arabic but it's also in a separate language family.

Is Farsi hard to learn?

Not as Hard as You Think While by no means among the easiest of languages to learn, Persian is considered relatively easy for English-speaking people to learn compared to other Middle Eastern languages. It is remarkably simple in terms of formal grammar.

Is Persian and Farsi the same language?

Farsi and Persian are the same language. Some mistakably believe that, in English, the official language of Iran should be called "Farsi," while the language spoken in Tajikistan or Afghanistan should be labeled as "Dari," and "Persian" should be utilized to refer to all of them!

Is Farsi easier than Arabic?

Arabic is harder. There is no question about that. In fact, it is probably harder than even Mandarin. While for an Indo-European language speaker it is easier to learn Persian because it is also an Indo-European languages, Arabic, though harder, remains more spoken than Persian.