Is Facil masculine or feminine?

Is Facil masculine or feminine?

2. Adjectives with two forms

inteligente = intelligent fácil = easy
masculine singular inteligente fácil
feminine singular inteligente fácil
masculine plural inteligentes fáciles
feminine plural inteligentes fáciles

How do you make facil plural?

3 Answers. Well a singular “trabajador” is, guess what “trabajador”, while lots of them are “trabajadores”. With respect to “facil” there is no separate feminine form and the plural is “faciles” as in “easy jobs” = “tareas faciles”.

What is the plural of inteligente?

3. votes. Singular: inteligente Plural: inteligentes.

What is the masculine form of Trabajador?


Singular Plural
Masculine trabajador trabajadores
Feminine trabajadora trabajadoras

Is Mesa feminine or masculine?

The table above shows how to form the feminine counterpart of a masculine noun. In particular, masculine nouns terminating in -o change the final vowel into -a….Masculine and Feminine in Spanish.

words ending in -o, –e or consonant words ending in –a
libro coche pantalón casa mesa puerta

Is El Agua masculine or feminine?

Agua is feminine, however, because of this pronunciation issue with the two vowels side-by-side, it’s actually ‘el agua’. Since it is truly feminine, the phrase ‘el agua pura’ is correct. Pura needs to be in the feminine form because agua is feminine, but you’ll use to masculine article el to break the double vowels.

Is milk feminine or masculine in Spanish?

Water is male in spanish. Milk is female. Therefore: el agua, and la leche.

What percentage of Spanish words are masculine?


Why is it el agua instead of la agua?

When a feminine noun begins with a stressed ‘a’ sound, the definite article la becomes el. For more information check out the links below. Agua is a feminine noun but you use el for the singular: el agua, las aguas. Agua is a feminine noun indeed, but we say “el agua”, because it starts with a vowel.

Why is water masculine in Spanish?

Water is not a masculine word in Spanish, it is a feminine word, in singular and in plural, only that the word use el in singular because of its sound. There are other examples : The article “la” in Spanish changes to “el” before a spoken accented “a”.

Why is el mapa masculine?

Even though “mappa” is a feminine noun, “mappa mundi” (map of the world) was lexicalised in Spanish as a masculine noun, and “mapa” is an abbreviation of that expression, retaining the masculine gender.

Is problema a Spanish word?

Problema came from Greek, where -ma was masculine. Therefore problema is a masculine word. As a native speaker, there are words in spanish that you just have to lesrn the gender of because they don’t follow the simple rule of ‘a’ being feminine and ‘o’ being masculine.

Is Dias masculine or feminine?

Día is masculine. Just as el problema is masculine.

What is an article Spanish?

In English, there is only one definite article: the. In Spanish, you have to choose between four definite articles: el, la, los and las. In Spanish, all nouns (including words for things) are either masculine or feminine – this is called their gender. And just as in English they can also be either singular or plural.

Why is Noches feminine?

Good question. That is because “noches” is a feminine plural noun, so therefore, the feminine plural adjective is needed. As for “días”, that is a masculine plural noun, so the adjective modifying it must correspond in gender and number, hence buenos. Because it’s la noche (feminine) and el día (masculine).

What is the Spanish slang for goodnight?

buenas noches

Is Buenos dias masculine?

In Spanish one says literally Good mornings, good afternoons, and good evenings or nights. That is why they are buenos and buenas. The word días is masculine plural so use buenos with it.

What is the reply to Hola?

1 Answer. Other responses to “hola” you might use: Buenos días/tardes/noches.

How do you greet a Mexican?

The common verbal greeting is “Buenos dias” (Good day), “Buenas tardes” (Good afternoon) or “Buenas noches” (Good evening/night) depending on the time of day. A more casual greeting is “Hola” (Hello), “¿Qué tal?” (What’s up?) or “¿Cómo estás?” (How are you?).