Is Dramamine over the counter?

Is Dramamine over the counter?

Dramamine is the brand name of dimenhydrinate, anantihistamine that can be bought over-the-counter (OTC) to help prevent the symptoms of motion sickness, which range from nausea and vomiting to dizziness. If you are pregnant, do not take Dramamine unless your doctor prescribes it for you.

Why does Dramamine make you sleepy?

Dramamine has been used as a sleep aid because diphenhydramine, a main component of Dramamine, causes drowsiness approximately 20 minutes after taking a dose of the anti-allergy medication. Sometimes, they can even cause restlessness and hyperactivity rather than drowsiness, especially in children.

How long does Dramamine last?

Long-Lasting Relief Unlike other products that just treat your nausea, New Dramamine-N Long Lasting effectively prevents and relieves nausea plus the associated symptoms like dizziness and vomiting for up to 24 hours.

Does Dramamine help with motion sickness?

When left untreated, motion sickness can cause nausea, queasiness, vomiting, and dizziness. Not only is Dramamine® the most trusted over-the-counter treatment for motion sickness, it is the #1 Pharmacist Recommended Brand to both prevent and treat the condition.