Is community college easier than university?

Is community college easier than university?

It's a popular myth that community college classes are “easier” than classes at four-year universities. Class difficulty depends on the professors and how much work you are willing to put into them—not the type of college you are attending.

Is community college hard?

Community college is hard work. Students may end up in community college or choose to go to community college for a variety of reasons. It's a great way to save. Students who are successful in community college do more than just go to class and go home.

Do you need a laptop for community college?

While a laptop might not be an absolute necessity for the first day of community college, it may come in handy–especially if you have a long break in between classes. A laptop also makes it easy to access your community college's website should you need to for any reason.

What should I know before going to community college?

Most 4-year colleges require a GPA of at least 2.0 or 2.5 to apply. For students who had lower grades in high school, taking community college classes can be an opportunity to bring up their grades.

What is it like going to community college?

Community colleges serve a wider range of students than traditional universities. You will meet people transitioning from one career to another. You'll meet people who work full time and are going for a certificate that will help them at work. You'll meet students like you who are hoping to transfer.

What do you expect from a community college?

For students who plan to earn a bachelor's degree the transition from community college to a university for the final two years can be quite easy. Students will attend a community college to complete lower division general education requirements and then transfer to a university.

What do you do at community college?

A community college (also known as a junior college) is a higher education institution that provides a two-year curriculum that can include leading to an associate's degree. Other programs in place include a transfer program towards a four-year degree and occupational programs (one and two-year programs of study).

Is community college like high school?

Community college is a lot bigger than high school because it is a college campus, and that means there are more students attending. Classes are also different as well, instead of your counselor picking your classes for you, you get to make and design your own schedule. Each class is at least 3 units or 4.

How do community college classes work?

Most high school students can take college courses at a community college, usually within a dual enrollment program. In these programs, high school students take courses at a community college and receive both high school and college credits. Sometimes these courses are held at the student's high school.