Is community college a waste of time?

Is community college a waste of time?

Community college is fine, all the retards are there because their parents are probably making them or they want the discounted health insurance and financial aid checks. Just don't associate with the retards and focus on learning. Education is NEVER a waste of time.

Is it smart to go to community college first?

There are many reasons you may want to go to a community college first before attending a four-year university. For starters, they're cheaper. College tuition rates at four-year universities continue to rise at alarming rates, and student loan balances are higher than ever.

Is going to a community college worth it?

Originally Answered: Is community college worth the money? A2A – Community college can be well worth the money, but it isn't always. If you want a career that requires a degree offered at a community college but not a university, then a cc is the right place to go.

Is Community College a good choice?

Attending a community college can be a good way for students to ease into the world of higher education and learn at their own pace. This makes community college a good option for nontraditional students like parents and older students who wish to balance school with family or career obligations.

Is community college easier than university?

It's a popular myth that community college classes are “easier” than classes at four-year universities. Class difficulty depends on the professors and how much work you are willing to put into them—not the type of college you are attending.

Why community college is a bad idea?

Many community college students simply do not realize what their schools have to offer in terms of career planning and other support services. They may also fail to take their classes and coursework seriously because they too ascribe to the misconception that community colleges offer a lower quality of education.

Is Community College harder than high school?

In summary, college classes are definitely harder than high school classes: the topics are more complicated, the learning is more fast-paced, and the expectations for self-teaching are much higher. HOWEVER, college classes are not necessarily harder to do well in.

Is it bad to go to community college then transfer?

Community colleges offer significantly lower tuition, smaller classes and strong student support. Students will attend a community college to complete lower division general education requirements and then transfer to a university. There, they can take upper division courses and thereby complete a bachelor's degree.

Is community college hard?

Community college is hard work. Students may end up in community college or choose to go to community college for a variety of reasons. It's a great way to save. Students who are successful in community college do more than just go to class and go home.

What are the pros and cons of community college?

Community college is generally a lot cheaper than a traditional four-year college. Earning general education credits at a community college and transferring into a four-year school can help you save quite a lot of money.

What are the benefits of going to a community college?

Attending one for your first two years can allow you to make progress on your education. An additional benefit is that community college course schedules often offer flexibility, allowing you to take classes part-time if needed (tuition is usually by credit, not by semester).

When you transfer from a community college to a university does your GPA start over?

When you transfer the GPA from your original institution is not carried over to the new one. Courses that you've completed generally transfer if you have a C or higher in the course, and it's consistent with courses offered at your new school. The credits for that course transfer, but not the grade.

Why is a 4 year university better than a community college?

Summary. Completing your general education requirements at community college has several advantages over a four-year university. You will pay much less money to attend smaller, more flexible classes that provide the same quality education.

How much cheaper is community college than university?

Across the board, community colleges are less expensive to attend than universities. To put it into perspective, community college tuition can be as little as around $3,500 per year, compared to up to around $35,000 for out of-state-students attending a public university.

Is it shameful to go to community college?

You shouldn't feel ashamed about going to community college because going to community college is nothing to be ashamed of. The burden is on the people who want you to feel shame, to provide reasons you should feel ashamed. Odds are good that those reasons will be shameful for them, not you.

Why do community colleges get a bad rap?

In the end, community colleges have a bad because people are simply NOT informed. Community colleges give students a fresh start, discounted quality education and the chance to transfer to university. They are quite undeserving of a bad reputation and it's our job to speak up!

Why community college is cheaper than university?

Community college tuition is usually thousands of dollars cheaper than tuition for private and public four–year universities. Plus, even with the relatively low rates, nearly a third of community college students receive financial aid.

Can I transfer from a 4 year college to a community college?

Why do students become Reverse Transfer Students? Reverse transfer students choose to leave their four-year college for a two-year community college for any number of reasons. Still, others attend a community college after graduating from a four-year school. They, too, are labeled reserve transfer students.

Is it hard to get into college after taking a year off?

If you wait to apply to college until after your gap year, Mauler notes, you may not start college for another two years, which might make transitioning a bit harder. It may also make collecting transcriptions, test scores and letters of recommendation more difficult.

How much is community college per semester?

According to the American Association of Community Colleges, the average yearly cost of tuition and fees for community college students in the U.S. is $3,347, compared to an average cost of $9,139 at four-year institutions. Tuition aside, community colleges offer several benefits.

Can you go to two community colleges at once?

While you can attend two community colleges simultaneously, dual-enrollment is a complicated situation because it depends on many factors including credit limits, transferability, financial aid, and reasonable course load.

Is community college free in California?

California will now provide free tuition for the first two years of community college for first-time students who attend full-time. California governor Gavin Newsom signed legislation to allow the California College Promise program to help cover 33,000 more students for a second year of tuition-free college.

What is the difference between community college and university?

The main difference between a community college and a university is that most degrees at a community college only take two years to complete, while degrees at a four year university take four years to complete. Most community colleges do not offer a bachelor's degree.

How long can you stay at a junior college?

Most programs at community colleges are designed to be completed in two years or less, but many students take much longer to earn a degree.