Is Canada GREY or gray?

Is Canada GREY or gray?

“Grey,” the British spelling of the colour, is the more common spelling in Canada, but it wasn't always that way, said University of Toronto linguistics professor J.K. Chambers in an email. “Until the 1700s, spelling was flexible. … Because we are Canadian, we also accept 'gray' for 'grey.'

How do you write neighbor?

Neighbours is an alternative spelling of neighbors. Where neighbors is the preferred spelling in American English, neighbours is the standard in British English.

How do Canadians spell color?

Their English is called Canadian English, and is a combination of both British and American English. To answer your question on the whole they would spell it the British way – 'colour', although the American way – 'color', is not entirely uncommon.

Does Canada use British or American spelling?

Canadian spelling of the English language combines British and American rules. Most notably, in Canada French-derived words that in American English end with -or and -er, such as color or center, usually retain British spellings i.e. colour and centre.

Is it gray or gray?

"Gray" or "grey"? One spelling is British, and one is American. Have you ever wondered why you see "gray" spelled two different ways? "Grey" is the preferred spelling in British English, but "gray" is more common in American English.

Why does Canada spell Colour?

Words ending in an unstressed “-our” in English and Canadian (e.g. “honour”, “colour”, “flavour”, “armour”) are usually spelled without the “u” in American usage (e.g. “honor”, “color”, “flavor”, “armor”). The Prairie provinces of Canada, however, tend to follow the Americans on this.

How do you spell Cheque in Canada?

Both spellings are correct; Americans favor canceled (one L), while cancelled (two Ls) is preferred in British English and other dialects. However, there is only one correct spelling of the word cancellation, no matter where you are.

Which is correct color or Colour?

These variations in spelling exist because of differences between American English and British English. Color is the spelling used in the United States. Colour is used in other English-speaking countries. The word color has its roots (unsurprisingly) in the Latin word color.

Is it Realise or realize in Canada?

Realise and realize are different spellings of the same word, and they can be used interchangeably. Both are common throughout the English-speaking world, though in different areas. Realize is preferred in American and Canadian English, while realise is preferred outside North America.

How do u spell truely?

honor, honorary, honour, honourary. In Canada, honour is the preferred spelling for the noun and the verb.

How do you spell analyze in Canada?

The spellings analyze and analyse are both used by Canadian writers. However, there is a growing trend among Canadians to choose the ending -yze for such words as analyze, catalyze, dialyze and paralyze.

How do you spell vacuum in Canada?

Vacuum is always spelled with one c, two u's, and no e. Spellings such as vaccum, vacume, or vacum are incorrect: There's no such thing as a perfect vacume .

How do you spell labor in Canada?

Labour, of course, is the accepted spelling in the United Kingdom and Commonwealth countries like Canada. Americans prefer labor to labour, just as they prefer color, favor, honor, humor, neighbor, and a few dozen other words ending in -o(u)r.

Is it spelled check or Cheque?

Check is the preferred spelling in American English for all contexts. Cheque is the preferred British English for financial contexts.