Is Br2 or NaBr more soluble in CCl4?

Is Br2 or NaBr more soluble in CCl4?

10-50 (a) Br2 is nonpolar and NaBr is an ionic solid. Br2 is more soluble in CCl4.

How does phenol react with Br2 water?

If bromine water is added to a solution of phenol in water, the bromine water is decolorized and a white precipitate is formed which smells of antiseptic. The precipitate is 2,4,6-tribromophenol….

Is chlorine endothermic or exothermic?

The gain of an electron by a nonmetal: Generally exothermic (energy released) Cl(g) + 1e- -> Cl-(g) DH = -349 kJ/mol….

Compound Lattice Energy (kJ/mol)
SrCl2 2130
MgO 3938

Why is bromine more stable than chlorine?

The number of full electron shells between the nucleus and the electron also affects the strength of the attraction – this is called shielding. Because a bromine atom has one more full shell than a chlorine atom, it has more shielding which means the attraction between the nucleus and an electron is weaker.

Is NBS free-radical mechanism?

Once Br2 is formed, the reaction proceeds much like other free-radical halogenation reactions: homolytic cleavage of the Br2 with light or head (initiation), followed by abstraction of the allylic H (propagation step #1) and subsequent reaction of this radical with another equivalent of Br2 to give the desired product….

Is allylic a markovnikov bromination?

In allylic bromination, the Br atom appears on the carbon next to the double bond: This reaction goes through a radical mechanism and it is interesting to notice the difference with the aniti-Markovnikov radical bromination: First, it is important to mention that allylic radicals are “very stable”.

How are allyl intermediates stabilized?

Conjugation tends to stabilize molecules. The true structure of the conjugated allyl carbocation is a hybrid of of the two resonance structure so the positive charge is delocalized over the two terminal carbons. This delocalization stablizes the allyl carbocation making it more stable than a normal primary carbocation….

Is benzylic or allylic more stable?

Generally, the benzylic carbocations are more stable than allylic carbocations as they form more number of resonating structures and have less electron affinity….