Is being a substitute teacher worth it?

Is being a substitute teacher worth it?

This makes substitute teaching an excellent job for recent graduates who haven't had luck in finding a job in their career field. Schools are always in need of qualified substitute teachers, so as long as you have a Bachelor's degree, no criminal record, and are good with children, you will likely be hired.

Why is substitute teaching so hard?

But to make it a little easier on yourself, it can help to be prepared with some material before you get to class, just in case the teacher wasn't on top of things… Substitute teaching can certainly be difficult, and, as others here have mentioned, it typically stems from being unprepared and being in a new classroom.

Can you make a living substitute teaching?

One can assume $1400 * 9 = $12,600 as a yearly salary in substitute teaching, but you have to take into account the times of the year when teachers are not taking days off. So someone who is put into a classroom to substitute teach is making roughly ¼ of the salary the regular teacher is making.

What skills should a substitute teacher have?

The key is preparation. Substitute teaching is a very challenging job—even full-time teachers will admit that.

What should a substitute teacher do on the first day?

A great way to break the ice on your first day as a substitute teacher is to introduce yourself to your students in a friendly, engaging manner. To make this easier, take some time to create an introduction that contains some interesting facts about yourself (and perhaps even some age-appropriate humor).

What happens on the first day of substitute teaching?

Have an introduction for yourself ready. Explain to them that you are their teacher for the day. Create order in the classroom early with some general rules like “don't talk when I'm speaking” and “be respectful” to help proactively prevent behavior problems before they start.

Why are substitute teachers disrespectful?

Substitute teachers have been treated with far less respect than the regular teachers. Many students feel they can take advantage of a sub and do what they want. There are a couple of reasons why this happens. Students also don't listen to subs because of the work the teacher provides.

What time do substitute teachers get called?

Schools call subs early in the morning to ask them to step in for a teacher. Subs are called into work at about 5 a.m., the education site ThoughtCo. reports — meaning the job works best for early birds. After getting a gig and accepting it, subs may report to a different school from where they most recently subbed.

How do I prepare to be a substitute teacher?

Substitute Teachers perform the instructional and classroom management processes for teachers who are absent for a day or longer periods of time. Their duties include taking attendance, explaining homework, and maintaining classroom cleanliness. Candidates need to be flexible in their availability.

Why are substitute teachers important?

2. Trained substitutes are more effective in the classroom. Often times confidence is the key and the same applies for substitutes. A well-trained substitute entering a classroom full of boisterously excited students is better prepared to gain control of the classroom than an untrained sub.