Is Avenger a real word?

Is Avenger a real word?

avenger Add to list Share. A person who seeks revenge can be called an avenger. The Old French root, avengier, means “to take revenge.”

Is Spiderman an avenger?

Yes, Spider-Man is part of the Avengers in the comics. Though Spider-Man was never a core member of the Avengers but in recent years Spider-Man have appeared in many major Avengers story line.

What does impunity mean?

: exemption or freedom from punishment, harm, or loss laws were flouted with impunity.

What’s another word for Avenger?

Avenger Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for avenger?

scourge vigilante
retaliator vindicator

Who was the first Avengers?

Captain America

Why is it called Avengers?

They are called Avengers because the exact purpose of the group is to avenge.

Is avenge same as revenge?

The verb “to avenge” means to seek retribution on behalf of somebody else. It contrasts with “revenge,” which is about seeking retribution for yourself.

Is taking revenge a sin?

Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord. On the contrary: ‘If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink.

Is getting revenge worth it?

Well, the science is in, and a recent psychology study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology suggests that getting revenge actually does make you feel a lot happier. Worth noting, though, is that it still doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the right move to make.

Is revenge ever justified?

Since both the state and victim have achieved appropriate retribution, the act can be considered justified revenge. In the truest sense, justice is always an act of revenge, but revenge is not always an act of justice.

What is an example of revenge?

Revenge is an action of inflicting harm or damage on someone else in retaliation for harm or damage inflicted on you. An example of revenge is when someone steals your car so you steal their car years later.

Should we take revenge or forgive?

Forgiving others and releasing the desire to get revenge makes you a better person—literally. However, forgiving someone doesn’t make you a pushover, and it’s not about letting the other person “off the hook”. Instead, forgiveness is about overcoming your anger and quelching your desire to punish the other person.

Is Shylock’s revenge justified?

Shylock is a major character in the play, most people consider him a villain. He is a wealthy, moneylending Jew who practices usury. He’s revenge is justified for many reasons, these reasons include him being abused for being a Jew and a moneylender at the same time.

Is Shylock a villain or a victim?

Shylock is a combination of both victim and villain in The Merchant of Venice. He is a victim of discrimination and mistreated by Antonio and his daughter, Jessica. Shylock’s greedy, vengeful nature is what makes him a villain, which helps drive the plot of the play.

How does Shylock justify his revenge?

Shylock wants revenge for years of Antonio’s mistreatment. He explains that Shylock would rather take Antonio’s flesh than money to pay his debt because such an act would give him the revenge he has always wanted. Solanio also voices concern as he believes no one can stop Shylock or deter him from his need for revenge.

Why did Shylock hated Antonio?

While Antonio’s hatred of Shylock is based solely on religious intolerance, Shylock’s hatred of Antonio goes beyond just their differing religious beliefs. One of Antonio’s main problems with Shylock is that, as a Jew, Shylock charges interest on his loans, something that Antonio, as a Christian, believes is wrong.

Why was Shylock angry with his daughter?

Answer Expert Verified. Shylock channels all his grief of Jessica’s leaving into anger against Antonio, because: Jessica eloped with a Christian despite knowing that her father has often been insulted by Christians. So, he feels that it is the Christians who have made his daughter go against him.

Does Shylock deserve to be punished?

Answer. Shylock was persued by Portia into claiming his crime. Still, Antonio lossened his punishment but it was still too much for such a crime. He deserved much less punishment than he got.

What was Portia’s solution?

Answer. Answer: Portia then gives Shylock a knife to retrieve the pound of flesh but mentions that the law will not allow a drop of blood. She tells Shylock that if Antonio bleeds during the operation, the Venetian court is entitled to confiscate his land and property.

How did Portia win the case?

Portia saves Antonios life by: When they both go there, Portia uses her clever wit to save Antonio. she says that sure, the words are “a pound of flesh” but she analyzes the bond and quickly finds out that there is blood written so she uses that as a advantage against Shylock and wins the case.

How does Portia trick Shylock?

Expert Answers Portia then gives Shylock a knife to retrieve the pound of flesh but mentions that the law will not allow a drop of blood. She tells Shylock that if Antonio bleeds during the operation, the Venetian court is entitled to confiscate his land and property.

How did Portia defeat Shylock?

As a woman, in any case, her words would not be taken seriously. But once she “passes” as a male, they are. The disguised Portia manages to defeat Shylock because she is intelligent and can reason well. Since Shylock won’t be bought off, as Bassanio tries to do, she decides to defeat him at his own game.

How does Shylock die?

Shylock does not die in Merchant. However, he does see his punishment as worse than death.

Does Shylock convert to Christianity?

Portia orders Shylock to beg for the duke’s mercy. Shylock claims that they may as well take his life, as it is worthless without his estate. Antonio offers to return his share of Shylock’s estate, on the condition that Shylock convert to Christianity and bequeath all his goods to Jessica and Lorenzo upon his death.

What did Portia say about mercy?

Portia says that mercy is like the rain from heaven. It is so gentle and nice. She also mentions that mercy cannot be forced. She says that “Mercy is twice blessed”.

Why did Shylock call Portia a Daniel?

Shylock does not want Bassanio’s money or his life. So, when Portia, disguised as a lawyer, says “it cannot be” that Bassanio is allowed to save Antonio, because it would establish a bad precedent, Shylock is delighted. He calls Portia a “Daniel,” after the Biblical Daniel, who was known as a wise judge.