
Is as just as fair a simile?

Is as just as fair a simile?

Simile: A simile is a device used to compare things with familiar things to let the readers know it easily. There is one simile used in the second stanza such as “as just as fair”. It shows how the poet has linked the road less taken to the easy way through life.

What does just as fair means?

The first “as” is not part of the phrase, rather it should go with the phrase that comes before. “Just as fair” means equally fair. In today’s English, fair means just, but in the past, it had additional meanings, like pretty, nice, bright, attractive.

What is the literal meaning of the poem The Road Not Taken?

The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost The literal meaning of this poem is about a traveler that is on a road and at this point of this poem it splits into two paths. The figurative meaning of “The Road Not Taken” is that the traveler is really just a person that is on the “road” of life.

Which road does the poet choose finally?

The poet chose the second road over the first thinking that he would come to it some other day. Yet, he was very doubtful that he would ever be able to come back to it someday.

Why does the Traveller find the road untrodden?

Answer: Because very less people have traveled through that road.

What message does the Traveller leave before going?

Ans: The message the traveller left before going was ‘ Tell them I came and no one answered. ‘

Why did the Traveller knock at the door did anyone answer his knock?

The traveller knocked at the door because he had promised someone he would come there. But when he reached there ,nobody opened the door to recieve him which indicated that there was nobody in the house.

What is the main message of the poem the listeners?

The traveler finally leaves, but the listeners remain. The theme of the poem is the place of man in a universe which is far greater than he, and which he can neither connect with nor understand. It focuses on man’s state of isolation and disharmony with the natural world.