Is Acuvue Oasys being discontinued?

Is Acuvue Oasys being discontinued?

All Acuvue Bifocal and Acuvue 2 Colours will be discontinued as of Dec. “Eye doctors can easily upgrade patients from these older lenses to more popular and innovative brands such as Acuvue Oasys, 1-Day Acuvue Moist and 1-Day Acuvue TruEye,” Vistakon President Dave Brown said in the press release.

What are the healthiest contact lenses?

ACUVUE OASYS contact lenses have been known as the best contact lenses for many contact wearers! The FDA has approved these contacts for extended wear of six consecutive nights. An extended wear lens provides patients with contacts to fit their specific type of wear schedule.

Why are my multifocal contacts blurry?

Many presbyopes experience a hyperopic shift due to decreasing index of refraction in the lens, exacerbating their presbyopic symptoms. Multifocal contact lenses are designed to supplement one another to offer the wearer a range of clear vision without the need for reading glasses.

Is it OK to wear daily contacts for 2 days?

Can I wear my daily contacts for two days? You can’t wear daily disposable contacts for two days. Even if you wear them for only a few hours one day, you still need to toss them after that use and open a fresh pair the next day.

Is eye prescription bad?

No eye prescription should be considered ‘bad’. However, different prescriptions refer to different levels of severity of correction needed to restore 20/20 eyesight, or normal vision.

What happens if I leave my contacts in overnight?

Sleeping in contact lenses is dangerous because it drastically increases your risk of eye infection. While you’re sleeping, your contact keeps your eye from getting the oxygen and hydration it needs to fight a bacterial or microbial invasion.

Can I wear Acuvue Oasys for a month?

No, you can’t wear Acuvue Oasys for a month! Acuvue Oasys is a two week lens which means you have to throw it away after two weeks. If you overwear your lenses for a whole month you put your eyes at risk of serious damage.

What contact solution is best for Acuvue Oasys?

These are lenses like Acuvue Oasys, Air Optix, Biofinity, and PureVision….Appropriate care solutions for silicon hydrogel lenses are:

  • BioTrue.
  • Pure Moist.
  • Revitalens.

Are monthly contacts bad for your eyes?

Not only do monthly contact lenses provide more comfort for your eyes, but they also tend to hold up better against potential irritation. Because of that, they offer better overall performance. The thicker design of monthly lenses makes them more durable and resistant to sweat, dirt and dust.

Can you sleep with contacts for 1 hour?

Sleeping in your contact lenses for even just an hour can be detrimental to your eyes. For some, their eyes can be more sensitive than others and react differently. It’s not worth the risk when it comes to your eyes and doctors do not recommend sleeping in contact lenses period, even if it is just for an hour.

Are daily contacts more expensive than monthly ones?

It’s true that in most cases, daily disposables are more expensive. Even factoring in the money you’d save on contact cleaning solution, you’re probably going to pay more for dailies than you would for longer-use contacts. Some are two to three times more expensive than extended-wear lenses.

What are the disadvantages of contact lenses?

Contacts: Cons They need a lot more care than glasses. You have to clean and store them the right way. You can get serious eye infections if you don’t clean your contacts well or don’t wash your hands before handling them. If you have high astigmatism, your vision might get blurry when the lenses rotate.

Are daily contacts better for your eyes?

Daily disposable contact lenses are just that – disposable. There are many benefits to using daily disposable contact lenses. The most important of these is that they’re better for the health of your eyes. Plus, daily disposable contact lenses are super convenient, and the ease of use is a bonus!