Is a Lot 1 or 2 words?

Is a Lot 1 or 2 words?

The two-word construction a lot is just that: two separate words. You have the article a and the noun lot. The word lot is defined as, “a large number or amount, a great deal.”

Is a lot proper English?

5 Answers. Logically you are correct; "a lot" is the subject of the sentence. Colloquially, "a lot" can also mean "many", which takes a plural verb.

Did a lot used to be one word?

Is there a space between a lot?

Alot is an incorrect way to spell a lot. Many people think that because a lot is pronounced without a pause between the two words that it is okay to spell the two words without a space between them. However, these are actually two separate parts of speech: the article a and a noun lot.

Why do people think a lot is one word?

Possibly people have a natural tendency to spell "alot" in a single word because the brain processes it as a single word. At any rate, with its use for quantification, it clearly has some "special" properties. Notice the difference in verb agreement between: A lot of the problems are due to bad planning.

How do you use into?

Into is a preposition that means to the inside or interior of. Into indicates movement or some type of action that is taking place. After a long night, she crawled into her bed to go to sleep. He threw the note into the fire.

Why is a lot not a word?

A: You are correct: “alot” is not a legitimate word in the English language and has no place in sentences, paragraphs or advertisements on the side of buses (I've seen this twice!). So my answer is: I have no idea why so many people use it. They must be crazy.

Are you alright or all right?

The form alright is a one-word spelling of the phrase all right that made its first appearance in the 1880s. Alright is commonly used in written dialogue and informal writing, but all right is the only acceptable form in edited writing. Basically, it is not all right to use alright in standard English.

How many is alot?

A lot of is more than five and less than infinity. Many – see a lot.

Is a lot better correct?

Yes, "much better" (and, in general, much + comparative) is correct usage. Some examples: Today I'm feeling much better than yesterday. A snail is much smaller than an elephant.

Is it awhile or a while?

'A While' Versus 'Awhile' "A while" and "awhile" have different meanings. "A while" is a noun phrase and means “a period of time.” In contrast, "awhile" is an adverb, and it means “for a time.” This may seem confusing, so keep reading for several helpful examples and tricks.