Is a bibliography the same as references?

Is a bibliography the same as references?

A reference list, generally, contains only sources you have cited in-text in your assignment. A bibliography, generally, is a list of all the sources you used to generate your ideas about the topic.

What is the difference between bibliography works cited and references?

New York: MLA, 2003. Works Cited is sometimes referred to as References. … In Works Cited you only list items you have actually cited. In a Bibliography you list all of the material you have consulted in preparing your essay whether or not you have actually cited the work.

What is a bibliography reference?

The term bibliography is the term used for a list of sources (e.g. books, articles, websites) used to write an assignment (e.g. an essay). It usually includes all the sources consulted even if they not directly cited (referred to) in the assignment.

What comes first bibliography or references?

The appendix (or appendices) goes after the reference list or bibliography in your assignment. This places it as the last thing within your assignment.