Is 99.9 a fever in a child?

Is 99.9 a fever in a child?

Normal body temperature can range from 97 to 100.3 degrees Fahrenheit. Doctors consider body temperature over 100.3 degrees Fahrenheit a fever. Some school systems consider temperatures over 99.9 degrees Fahrenheit to be a fever. Fever is a normal body reaction to many infections.

How sick do you have to be to miss school?

Fever is a sign that your body is fighting the germs that are making you sick. It's a common symptom of infections like flu. If it's 101 F or higher, wait until your child is fever-free for at least 24 hours before sending her back to school.

Are you contagious with a fever of 99?

Fever. If you have a fever, you are very likely to have a contagious illness. If your temperature is anything higher than 100 degrees F, you shouldn't go to work and expose everyone else to your illness.

Should I go to school with a fever of 99?

It's fine to send children to school with a slight fever, provided they feel well enough, are attentive and playing, and your school or daycare will permit it. If the fever persists for longer than three days or is accompanied by symptoms such as listlessness, vomiting or poor eye contact, call your doctor immediately.

When can my child go back to school after the flu?

When can my child go back to school or day care after having the flu? Children with the flu should be isolated in the home, away from other people. They should also stay home until they have no fever without the use of fever-control medicines and they feel well for 24 hours.

Should I keep my kid home with a cough?

Colds, coughs and sore throats are common in kids, and do not require that children stay home from school or daycare, especially if symptoms are mild. However, if cold symptoms include a fever, or if a cough is excessive enough to disrupt their learning, you should keep your child home to rest.

Is it OK to send a child to school with a fever?

If you think your child is too sick to handle daily activities, your best bet is to make arrangements for him to stay home. You should never send your child to school with a fever above 100.4°F. However, if your child has a slight fever (below 100.4°F) and is not acting sick, they should be fine to attend school.

How sick is too sick for daycare?

Running a fever is an obvious indication that your baby or toddler is not well enough for day care. If your baby is 3 months old and over, a temperature of 101°F or higher (sometimes with other symptoms like a sore throat, congestion, a cough, aches, chills or vomiting) means she needs to stay home and recover.

Should I send my child to school with a bad cough?

If your child shows mild signs of an upper respiratory virus or cold, such as a cough and/or runny nose, it's probably fine to send him to school, Dr. Ponziani says. Encourage him to wash his hands often and cover his mouth while coughing or sneezing to help keep germs from spreading.

Is my child well enough to attend school?

It often comes down to whether a child can still participate at school. Fever with no other symptoms usually isn't reason enough for a child to stay home. But many schools or childcare centers request that a child not return until at least 24 hours after a fever has broken naturally (without fever-reducing medicines).

How long is the flu contagious?

Adults are most contagious with the flu from 24 hours before symptoms start to three to five days afterward. Children can spread the virus for longer—up to 10 days, and sometimes even beyond that. People who have serious immune system problems can spread influenza for weeks, or even months, after they get it.

When should I send my kid to school?

By law, all children must be in compulsory schooling by their 6th birthday. When your child starts school is an individual decision. You may wish to discuss this with your child's preschool teacher, carer, doctor or your local primary school.

Should I keep my child home with a cold?

What do schools consider a fever?

Any temperature of 100.4° Fahrenheit (38° Centigrade) is a fever, and children shouldn't go to school with fevers. Not only are fevers a sign of some sort of infection, it also usually means that they are shedding germs right and left.

How sick is too sick for school?

What is the fever rule for school?

Fever: This is one symptom that automatically rules out school, no questions. (Anywhere from 100 to 101 degrees or higher is the usual guideline used by most schools.) Your sick child should be fever-free without medication for at least 24 hours before you send him back to school.

How long Keep child home after vomiting?

Vomiting is typically short-lived. But, if your child vomits and is feeling unwell, it's best to keep him home until 24 hours after vomiting stops. See a doctor if vomiting lasts more than 24 hours, is accompanied by fever of 102 degrees Fahrenheit or higher, or if your child shows signs of dehydration.

When can child return to school after vomiting?

You can send back 24 hours after your child has stopped vomiting. It's important to note that some children will throw up once more two or three days after it seemed like they were better. This doesn't usually mean that they're still sick, just that their tummies haven't fully healed up yet.

How soon can a child go back to school after vomiting?

Additionally, in younger children, frequent episodes of diarrhea and vomiting may make appropriate hygiene difficult, increasing the risk of spreading the infection. Wait at least 24 hours after the last episode before considering a return to school.

Can I send child to school with cough?

Kids should be kept home for the duration of gastrointestinal illnesses, and for at least an additional 24 hours, says Davis-Alldritt. Cold symptoms. Typically, it's okay to send your child off to school with a mild sore throat, a cough or a stuffy or runny nose — even if that snot is a shocking shade of green.