How we can make the world a better place by 2030?

How we can make the world a better place by 2030?

Social progress expert Michael Green invites us to imagine how these goals and their vision for a better world can be achieved. TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less).

How can we make the world more beautiful?

Essentially, without our “good” ideas, the people on that world are restricted to a smaller range of ideas. Now for them, their world may be better because they see “good” ideas very differently from us, being limited to their smaller spectrum of ideas.

How does love make the world better?

It blesses the recipient who knows they are loved, cared for and held in mind. That's how the thing I love is a gift to others. Through these exchanges of gift and gratitude we make ourselves stronger, and the world better. Our strengths and talents can have an impact for good that we might not have imagined.

How can we make the world a better place conclusion?

The truth is everyone has the ability and responsibility to make their world better, but we can only do this if we are in the right frame of mind. By beginning with ourselves and making sure we are healthy and happy, we will radiate the positive energy and find new ways to share our success with humanity.