How stressful is being a flight attendant?

How stressful is being a flight attendant?

Flight attendant one of the most stressful jobs. A flight attendant is an extremely stressful job with long hours and time away from family. Long hours, days away from family, and rude, drunk passengers. Being a flight attendant is not easy.

How long is a flight attendant away from home?

Attendants typically fly 75 to 100 hours a month and usually spend another 50 hours a month on the ground, preparing flights, writing reports, and waiting for planes to arrive. They can spend several nights a week away from home.

What challenges do flight attendants face?

Flight attendants wouldn't last long on their job without strong people skills. Those skills are sure to enhance a dating relationship. Because they spend so much time with people on the move, flight attendants appreciate dating someone with their feet on the ground.

How do flight attendants handle drunk passengers?

Answer : As a flight attendant you absolutely cannot over serve the passenger. Like any other person serving alcohol, you are responsible for an intoxicated passenger during and after the flight. In this scenario the correct thing to do is to cut the passenger off.

Is it hard to become a stewardess?

' It's easier to get into Harvard than it is to become a Delta flight attendant. When the airline announced earlier this week that it has 1,000 flight attendant openings for 2018, more than 125,000 hopefuls applied for the job. Being a flight attendant was 100% harder than being a cop.

Who are air hostess dealing with on a daily basis?

Air hostesses provide the human touch on every flight, taking care of passenger needs and keeping everyone safe. Once called stewardesses, they and their male colleagues are now known as flight attendants.

Is cabin crew a permanent job?

No, it's not. As company provide contract of 3–5 years to employees which vary from company to company. So, you must be a good employee to renew your contract. How can I get a job as a cabin crew attendant?

How would you deal with an unruly passenger?

A flight attendant is someone whose primary duty is to ensure the safety and comfort of passengers during an airline flight. They are part of the cabin crew for the plane, a team of personnel who operate a commercial, business, or even military aircraft while traveling domestically or internationally.

What’s it like working as a flight attendant?

Being a flight attendant isn't like your typical 9-to-5 job. Flight attendants submit their monthly scheduling choices in a process called "bidding," and the more seniority they have, the more they're able to determine which routes they fly and days they get to take off.

What do you expect from the job of cabin crew?

The air cabin crew of a commercial airline share responsibility for the safety and comfort of its passengers. Duties include: greeting passengers as they board and exit the plane. showing passengers to their seats and providing special attention to certain passengers, such as the elderly or disabled.

Why do you want to be a cabin crew?

I'm passionate about delivering excellent customer service. I have a natural connection with customers. I understand their individual needs (empathy). Always seeking ways to go above and beyond to help customers.

How can I prepare for cabin crew?

If they are arguing with the flight attendant, then simply inform them, hoping the information you give would stop the argument or pacify them. Apologize if necessary. Offer something realistic. You can offer some alternative if there is one available(e.g. another seat, or tell them to write the customer relations).