How should I wear my hair for headshots?

How should I wear my hair for headshots?

Above all, “your hair should look natural and clean,” says Jones Ivey. King suggests having your hair professionally done prior to the shoot. Women should leave their hair down, but go with two-to-three looks. If men are going to get a haircut, King suggests they do so at least two days prior to the shoot.

How do you smile for professional headshots?

Even for professional headshots, smiling both with and without your teeth work, so smile whichever way you feel most comfortable. A forced smile isn't good and might even make you seem disingenuous. You should be able to recognize a 'real' smile through a person's eyes.

How do you take a good selfie with an iPhone?

Hold your phone at eye level angled slightly down to get the best, most natural looking images. In the triptych below, the shot on the left shows the ideal angle while the other two shots show bad ones. Don't use a mirror to take selfies, or at least, not to take ones you want to be good.

How do you take a good selfie?

With Portrait mode, it's easy to create images with dreamy, blurred backgrounds. Open the Camera app on your iPhone, and select Portrait mode at the bottom of the screen. Your subject needs to be between two and eight feet from the camera.