How often should a ferret be bathed?

How often should a ferret be bathed?

Bathing tends to dry out the skin and coat, at most bathe once a month. Unless your ferret has gotten into something that needs to be washed off, a bath every two to three months is probably plenty.

Can I use Dawn to wash my ferret?

Absolutely not! Ferrets are very sensitive to chemicals and even Dawn can be toxic to them and strip their bodies of their natural oils making them more itchy and even more stinky than they normally are. They should only be bathed in oats at most once a month.

Do ferrets like dust baths?

Ferrets don't need dust baths. It can cause respitory issues. They can be bathed in water no more than once a month with hot water (but not too hot, a little warmer than what is comfortable for you. Slowly lower them into the water and cool it down if they react stressfully) and baby shampoo.

Can I wash my ferret with baby shampoo?

Actually, you really shouldn't bathe your ferrets very often. out there for ferrets, but I use baby shampoo on Rikki and Possum. In fact, my vet said that baby shampoo is the safest for ferrets, and it doesn't dry out their skin.