How much topsoil Do I need to Topdress a lawn?

How much topsoil Do I need to Topdress a lawn?

The best time to add topsoil to a lawn is a few weeks after the grass has begun growing actively. Growing grass recovers from the strain of new soil more effectively than dormant grass. Use roughly 4/10 cubic yard of topsoil for every 1,000 square feet of yard you topdress.

How do you fix a bumpy lawn?

Topdressing with quality topsoil or compost could be your best solution for minor problems. Cut the lawn or affected area very short before topdressing. It'll be easier to see the area and level the topsoil. Apply no more than ½” at a time and gently level it without completely covering the grass.

How much does it cost to Topdress a lawn?

The cost to aerate a yard ranges from $74 and $189, with a national average of $126. Smaller yards may cost as low as $45 and big yards around $350. Lawn aeration removes plugs of soil from your yard, allowing for extra air and water flow — and a healthier yard as a whole.