How much should a 6 2 bodybuilder weight?

How much should a 6 2 bodybuilder weight?

Steve Reeves’ height and weight chart for a bodybuilder (natural)

Height Ideal Weight
6’1” 210lbs
6’2” 220lbs
6’3” 230lbs
6’4” 240lbs

What should a 6’3 male weigh Reddit?

6’3″ = 199.12 lbs. 6’4″ = 204.71 lbs.

How much does a 6 foot bodybuilder weight?

Somewhere around 200–220 lbs. on average for the 6′0″ man and as for 6′6″ man, around 280–300 lbs..

What is the ideal height for bodybuilding?

According to bodybuilding circles, 5′8 – 5′10 is the optimal height, since it’s easier to pack muscle on a shorter frame, compared to someone 6′3, who has more to fill out, especially in the leg department.

Is 5’7 a good height for bodybuilding?

Bodybuilding has nothing to do with heights. Even if you are handicap and suffering with disabilities, if you are truly fascinated, bodybuilding​ is for you. 5.7 Height is quite good, please go ahead.

Is 5’11 A good height for bodybuilding?

well hitting 6′ would be perfect but 5’11 is good as well.

What should a 6 foot man weigh?

Weight and height guide chart

Height Weight
5ft 10″ (70″) 132 to 167 lbs. 174 to 202 lbs.
5ft 11″ (71″) 136 to 172 lbs. 179 to 208 lbs.
6ft (72″) 140 to 177 lbs. 184 to 213 lbs.
6ft 1″ (73″) 144 to 182 lbs. 189 to 219 lbs.

Is 5’10 A good height for bodybuilding?

Absolutely yes! Here’s the reason, if two men one is 5′10 and other is 6′2 are preparing for bodybuilding and both of them follow same nutrition, same supplementation, and same workout plan the shorter one will see results faster. This is because shorter guy will have require less protein as compared to tall guy.

Why are bodybuilders so short?

Many, if not most competitive bodybuilders are on the short side (under 5′7″) because when they add muscle to their smaller frames, they look bigger and thicker than a taller person. If a person is over 6′2″ and skinny, adding 10–15 lbs of muscle will make them look normal sized rather than big and muscular.

Can a boy grow after 16?

Even if you hit puberty late, you’re unlikely to grow significantly after the ages of 18 to 20 . Most boys reach their peak height around the age of 16. However, men still develop in other ways well into their twenties.

Can I grow 3 inches after 16?

Probably not at the age of 16 .., meaning you probably won’t grow 3″ from 16 to 17. But you can almost definitely grow more than 3″ from 16 to 19.5 or 20, if you are a male. If you are a female, then you most likely have stopped growing in height…