How much is AT uverse a month?

How much is AT uverse a month?

With AT, you will get the fastest internet speed available in your area for $39.99/mo. when bundled plus taxes & equip. fee.

How do you use between in a sentence?

Between sentence example

  1. People passing between them were a blur.
  2. There were sparks between them from the start.
  3. That is the only difference between them.
  4. He was a good-looking intern, but there simply wasn’t a spark between them.
  5. When it came back to her face, a slow smile erased the creases between his brows.

Is between only for two things?

When to Use Between You can use between when there are more than two elements involved: He had to choose between a bicycle, a train set, a pair of sneakers, and a new backpack for his birthday present. In fact, you can use between for any number of elements, as long as all the elements are separate and distinct.

How do you use between in time?

Between is often used to refer to the time, space or differences that separate two things, people, places, ideas, etc.

  1. We should leave between 9 and 10 o’clock.
  2. He stood between his mother and his father.
  3. This plane flies back and forth between New York and Miami.
  4. There is very little difference between the two cars.

Can V May?

May is used to express possibility or ask permission. Can is used to express ability and informally used to ask permission.

Can you or may you?

They are both correct. However “can” entails the issue of “possibility”. If you ask someone “can you” it is as if you’re wondering if they are capable of doing it. “May” is typically used for requests, but I will definitely side with WindowsDude7 right above!

Is it correct to say May?

May you isn’t automatically incorrect. “May you live in interesting times,” expresses the wish that the person being addressed live in interesting times. But this is not usually what people mean when they say may you. May you is usually used in the sense of may I, but may I is asking for permission.

Can we use may with you?

Can you use ‘can’ or must you use ‘may’? Can and may can both be used to ask for permission, although “may” is considered more formal. “May” is the older word and has meanings that refer to the ability to do something, the possibility of something, as well as granting permission.

Will may predict future?

We use will and might to make predictions about what we expect to happen in the future. Both will and might are modal auxiliary verbs. This means that they are followed by the infinitive of the verb without “to”: It will rain later.

What is the difference between can could and May?

Discussing a Possibility: “Can” suggests a strong possibility or a general truth. “May” and “could” suggest we are less certain about something. Asking for Permission: You can use all three words to ask for permission. To be formal, though, you should use “may” instead of “could” or “can.”

Can you possibility in the future?

Could, may or might convey the idea of future possibility. Of these, may expresses a stronger degree of certainty that an event will occur. For example: To convey the idea that a future event will possibly not take place, use may not or might not.

When use can and could?

Can, like could and would, is used to ask a polite question, but can is only used to ask permission to do or say something (“Can I borrow your car?” “Can I get you something to drink?”). Could is the past tense of can, but it also has uses apart from that–and that is where the confusion lies.

What is a nice way to ask for something?

Use “WOULD YOU DO ME A FAVOR.” This is often used and you must use it when you are asking for a special request or favor. Other phrases for asking something to someone nicely are “DO YOU MIND,” WOULD YOU MIND, COULD I, WOULD IT BE OK IF, WOULD IT BE POSSIBLE, WOULD YOU BE WILLING TO, etc.

How do I ask for permission to talk?

Asking for Permission:

  1. Can I go out, please?
  2. May I open the window, please?
  3. Please, can I have a look at your photo album?
  4. Please, may I taste that hot spicy couscous dish?
  5. Do you mind if I smoke?
  6. Would you mind if I asked you something?
  7. Is it okay if I sit here?
  8. Would it be all right if I borrowed your mobile Phone?

How do I ask for permission to marry someone?

Here’s how to talk to your girlfriend’s father about getting married:

  1. Make sure you and your GF are on the same page about marriage.
  2. Meet the parents first if you can.
  3. Have a man-to-man conversation with her dad.
  4. Explain your wish to marry his daughter.
  5. Ask for his blessing to propose marriage.
  6. Now it’s time to PROPOSE!

How do you ask for 2 hours permission?

Respected sir, you are requested to grant me the leave of 2 hours from office tomorrow. I hope that you will take my application under your kind consideration and will grant me the leave for 2 hours tomorrow. I shall be very thankful to you for this kind favor. Thanking you in advance.

How do I ask permission to meet a manager?

“I would like to request a meeting with you to discuss my role in the company.” I was hoping you could find some free time on Thursday to discuss me taking on more roles in the company. I know you have a very busy work schedule, so I will take up only one hour of your time. Thank you for your consideration.”

How do you ask for someone’s time?

  1. 3 Things you should always do when you ask for someone’s time. Okay, so how can you apply being a decisive leader when asking for someone’s time?
  2. Remind them of what they’ll get out of the meeting. Let’s face it.
  3. Propose two meeting times and at least one place.
  4. Make things as easy as possible for attendees.

How do you ask for an appointment time?

I would like to arrange a suitable time and place to meet to discuss…. I would like to arrange an appointment to review… We should meet in the next few days to discuss…. When is a convenient time for you?

How do you ask for call time?

If you want to express that they need to call you as soon as possible, you would say just that: “Call me as soon as possible” or “Call me as soon as you can”. Please call me when you have some time. Please call me when you are available. Please call me when you have enough time to talk.