How much is a gallon of methylamine worth?

How much is a gallon of methylamine worth?

If methylamine were really worth $15,000 per gallon on the black market, every methylamine storage facility in the world would be a massive criminal target. That would mean that the whole 25,000 gallon tanker would be worth almost $400 million.

What is methylamine worth?

I was wondering about this question, and after some calculations the answer turns out to be about $40 million! First, it helps to note that in the ‘hazard pay’ episode, they take a single 30 gallon drum, and turn it into 50 pounds with a return of about $1.2 million.

How much was Gus Fring worth?

Fring worth anywhere from $1-2 billion usd. For some perspective, that would mean if Fring existed in real life, he would probably have a drug empire as big as Joaquin Guzman, leader of the Sinaloa cartel and the most-wanted criminal in the WORLD.

How much money did Walter White leave his son?

For his son, Walter left a sum of 9 Million dollars as a parting gift.

Why did Walt kill Mike?

Walt shoots Mike for no reason By the end of Breaking Bad, Walt completely lost any sense of conscience and was willing to lie, murder, and cheat to get what he wanted. Eventually, that led to Walt killing Mike in rage. The incident happened just after Mike quit working for Walt and had his assets seized — again.

Did Mike kill Walt?

The whole scene in the finale at the laundry mat pretty much confirmed that Mike had been ordered to kill Walt. Yeah, and for all his naivete, even Gale knew something was up when Gus came to his apartment and asked him how many more cooks it would take for him to be able to replace Walt.

Why did Gus slits Victor’s throat?

The act of Gus slicing Victor’s throat demonstrates his ruthlessness and willingness to “just get the job done”, which serves as a message for Walt and Jesse, that he won’t accept excuses or messing around. Gus eyes them both up afterwards to ensure they understand their place and then leaves.

How many deaths did Walter White cause?

walts body count. Fandom. Walt has killed (inadveratly or otherwise) 186 people.

Did Skyler die?

Skyler White: Alive Despite how grim things were looking for the White family throughout most of season five, all of Walt’s immediate relatives (Hank aside, RIP), made it out alive.

Why did Breaking Bad get Cancelled?

‘Breaking Bad’ Was Canceled After 5 Seasons Because Vince Gilligan Believed ‘The X-Files’ Dragged On Too Long. There are plenty of fans who wish Breaking Bad had never ended, but on the flip side, would have probably hated if it were still on the air.

Why is Walter so mean to Jesse?

The reason for handing him over the neo nazis was at first cause he thought Jesse wanted to kill him. Once he found he was working for Hank who died as a a result, Walt blamed Jesse for his death and handed him over to them out of spite.

Is Jesse Pinkman a good guy?

Jesse pinkman is a fan favorite loved by many. Dont get me wrong, I love Jesse and his character development, but Jesse is not as some people say, a good person. Jesse is a great character, and I often find myself rooting for him, however, he is not a good person, infact, he is a pretty awful guy.

Why is Hank so obsessed with Heisenberg?

His pride drove him. Plus Heisenberg really made Hank’s job hard, so this made his anger toward him greater. And, of course, when he found out who Heisenberg really was, he flipped and chased Heisenberg until they finally met.

Did Walt really love Jesse?

Even through it all, Walt did love Jesse and he loved him back. Jesse was the only person to whom Walt was completely honest with in a way i.e. Jesse knew and saw and worked with Walt at his “best”, as Heisenberg. Love for most of the series, but a nasty rough patch in season 5B. Like the one Walter had in Walt Jr..

Did Jesse forgive Walt?

Serious spoiler about last episode: Jesse will never forgive Walt. He is so disillusioned with Walt in the end that he even refuses to finish Walt off because he knows that’s what Walt wants and Jesse is NOT going to do what Walt wants ever again.

Is Jesse Walt’s son?

When Walt called Jesse “son” in the season premiere, my blood ran cold. Walt may have a biological son, but Jesse still is the son Walt never had. Jesse knows Walt so much better than Jr.

Did Walter White really care about Jesse?

Like their relationship itself, a bit of a gray area. Walt did — and up until the moment he dies, does — care about Jesse. But, just like everyone else in the wake of his blood-soaked, meth-fueled destruction, he only cared when that adoration didn’t interfere with his own personal gain.

Why did Walter kill the drug dealers?

Almost exactly a season later, Walt kills two drug dealers up close, on purpose — but his immediate concern is Jesse, who was in the middle of confronting them with a gun and planning to kill them for murdering his girlfriend’s young brother. Walt arguably chooses to kill the dealers himself rather than have Jesse …

Why did Walter White name himself Heisenberg?

Walt, the trained scientist, calls himself “Heisenberg” after the Heisenberg Uncertainly Principle by the German physicist Werner Heisenberg, who posited that the location and momentum of a nuclear particle cannot be known at the same time.

What was Walter White’s nickname?


Why Breaking Bad is so good?

Breaking Bad is a show with amazing showrunners. It depicts science and the world of drug empires accurately. At times it is so accurate that you can learn stuff by watching the show – though I suggest you don’t try building a drug empire and manufacturing methamphetamine just by watching the montages in the show.

Why did Walt poison Brock in breaking bad?

Walt poisons Brock to turn Jesse against Gus Fring At first, Jesse assumes Walt poisoned Brock with the ricin he had intended to give to Gus Fring. But Walt convinces Jesse that Gus is the mastermind behind the poison as a means to tear them apart, effectively turning Jesse against Gus. It’s an evil trick that works.

Does Brock know Walt poisoned him?

But Brock definitely knew something about poison, when Walt tries to make small talk, Brock doesn’t seem to be too enthusiastic about interacting with him. But he instantly got along with Jesse.

How does Jesse realize Walt poisoned Brock?

In the season 5 episode Confessions Jesse realises that Saul and Huell took his ricin cigerette on the orders of Walt (Jesse finds this out by threatening them with a gun) which causes him to also realise that Walter was behind the whole false story of Gus poisoning Brock when it had been him all along.

How did Gus know Walt planted the bomb?

It was very subtle, but they made just enough point of showing Walts glasses on his forehead to make them the reason. It was a reflection of the glasses that someone was on top of a building across from him that alerted him to something being fishy, so he left.

Is Gus Fring’s death realistic?

Much of Gus’ head and face was injured, but his skull was still intact. Just because some of what happened to Gus is possible, it doesn’t mean it was realistic to every degree. Even if he didn’t die right away, his death scene was clearly exaggerated.