How much does it cost to raise a pig?

How much does it cost to raise a pig?

Total = $600 cost to raise a pig for a 275 lb pig at market weight. That will give us about 130 pounds of meat and extras, which works out to about $4.62/lb across all cuts.

Are Pigs easy to raise?

Easy – Fun – Cute – I think pigs are one of the easiest farm animals to raise. Pigs are low, low maintenance. They don't need to go out. They don't need to be put in.

How long does it take to raise a pig for slaughter?

Most pig farmers buy “weaners,” piglets about two or three months old that are no longer reliant on their mother's milk; they then raise the pigs to slaughter weight (typically about 250 pounds), which on factory-style farms is attained by the time they're 6 months old.

What is the fastest way to fatten up a pig?

Whatever you choose, 50% of your feed should be yellow corn. The remainder of your pig's feed should be a mix of barley, wheat, and sorghum. Feed your pig various grains and see which it likes best. Use the pig's favorite grain in abundance in order to increase its weight.