How much do they pay at Footaction?
How much do they pay at Footaction?
Average Footaction hourly pay ranges from approximately $9.37 per hour for Sales Representative to $14.68 per hour for Cashier. The average Footaction salary ranges from approximately $17,324 per year for Sales Associate to $25,088 per year for Assistant Manager.
Does footaction pay weekly?
5 answers. I get paid By weekly, and every paycheck i’ve only gotten around $150.
Does footaction pay commission?
The pay is minimum wage, but you get 30% commission. However, if the store has low sales, you have no money. The job is easy though. Working at Footaction is a cool and fun place to work for those who are looking for a first job to gain experience or those who going to school and looking for a side job.
Does Footlocker pay well?
Average Foot Locker hourly pay ranges from approximately $7.94 per hour for Sales Lead to $19.74 per hour for Store Manager. The average Foot Locker salary ranges from approximately $19,938 per year for Sales Lead to $116,592 per year for Senior Software Engineer.
Does Footlocker do drug test?
No Footlocker does not drug test.
Can a 15 year old work at Footlocker?
To work at Foot Locker you must be at least 16 years old. To work at Foot Locker, employees must be at least 16 years old.
Do Footlocker employees get shoes first?
We do get first dibs and we are limited to one pair each. No discount on them, however, if we pay cash then we do not get charged tax.
Does Foot Locker hire felons?
427 questions about working at Foot Locker Yes, you can get hired as a felon it will depend on the nature of the felony.
Will Walmart hire a felon?
Yes, Walmart does hire felons. It is important to keep in mind that they will not hire all felons though. Walmart’s application does not ask about criminal records or prior convictions.
Can I join the military with felonies?
For the U.S. Army, a felony conviction can be an enlistment-killer. If the military agrees to waive its enlistment standards, felons can join the Army if they meet the other mental and physical requirements.
What can stop you from joining the army?
There are age, citizenship, physical, education, height/weight, criminal record, medical, and drug history standards that can exclude you from joining the military.
At what age will the military not accept you?
For the Army, the maximum age is 35. For the Navy, age waivers start at 34-years-old. For the Air Force, the maximum age allowed to join is 39-years-old. The Marines have the lowest maximum age for regular military service at 28-years-old.
Will the Military pay off my debt?
Yes, but not for spouses. Your best bet is to utilize the military’s spouse employment help to get a job and start paying off the debt the old-fashioned way. But military members themselves do have some student loan forgiveness options. The best-known is the military college loan repayment program (CLRP).
Will the Military pay off college debt?
The Army Student Loan Repayment: Active Duty program offers military student loan repayment assistance to people on active duty. If you qualify, the Army will pay up to 33.33% of your principal balance each year for three years. You could receive up to $65,000 in loan assistance.
Does the Army pay for college debt?
Army: Active-duty Army members are eligible for up to $65,000 in student loan repayment assistance. After your first year of service, the Army will pay 33.33% of your outstanding principal student loan balance or $1,500, whichever is greater. It will also pay you one of these two amounts for each of the next two years.
Is it worth joining the military to pay for school?
Being an active-duty service member or veteran not only entitles you to a variety of scholarships, but also loans, grants, and funding programs. Even if you’ve already attended college, enrolling in the military after earning your degree could result in a higher rank and assistance in paying back your student loans.
Should I join the military or go to college first?
Whether to join the military prior to finishing college depends on your goals and circumstances. If you’d like to become an officer, then you need to complete your degree prior to joining. If you need tuition assistance, then completing your degree over time as an enlisted member might be the right choice.
Is college free after military? highlights, “Not only does the military pay up to 100 percent of college tuition while you serve on active duty” but it “also offers the GI Bill (about $36,000) to use for college up to 10 years after leaving the service.” You may be surprised; enlisting in the military is not as scary as you think.
Is military better than college?
Contrary to the views of many peers, parents or others, the military is a great option for recent high school graduates, and it doesn’t necessarily take the place of a college education. More than 40 percent of college graduates take positions out of school that don’t require a degree, the study found.
Can I join the military in the middle of college?
You can join the military part-time and go to college: You can serve in the military part-time (called the reserves), get free career training, train a weekend a month and two weeks a year (called annual training), and earn money while you go to college.
Can I join the military with a bachelor’s degree?
Commissioned officers generally enter the Military with a four-year college degree or greater. In certain cases, enlisted service members can advance and transition to officers during the course of their military career as well.
How much does the reserves pay for college?
Enroll in college courses while you’re in the Army Reserve and we’ll help you pay for them. Reserve tuition assistance covers 100% of course costs for approved courses (up to $250 per credit hour). WHAT’S THE PAY LIKE? Up to $4,500 per fiscal year.
Is it hard to get into officer training school?
While it’s a great option the Air Force Academy is very difficult to gain admittance and requires a congressional endorsement. Those that attend the Air Force Academy receive a world-class education that is completely paid for by the government. Third, you may attend AFROTC while you are in college.