How much do snake bite piercings cost?

How much do snake bite piercings cost?

How Much Does A Snake Bites Piercing Cost? Snake bite piercings aren't the cheapest piercings you can have done, but considering you're getting two holes, the price isn't outrageous. You can expect to pay anywhere from $80 to $120 for snake bites. That fee also includes the jewelry you'll get when you do the procedure.

How much do snake bite piercings hurt?

Snake bites piercing would usually reach 5 points out of 10 on a pain scale. Lip piercings are considered to be the least painful among other facial piercings. However, the double puncture will always hurt more.

Can snake bite piercings ruin your teeth?

Like all lip piercings that requires jewelry that goes inside the mouth, the snake bite piercing runs the risk of causing tooth damage such as broken teeth, receding gum lines, enamel wear, and tooth decay. The multiple piercings of this style encourage an increased risk of these problems.

How old do you have to be to get a snake bite piercing?

(Please let us know if you have legal information to prove otherwise.) – Minors aged 14-18: Written consent from parent or legal guardian for body piercing, PLUS a parent or legal guardian must be present during the procedure. – NO TATTOOS OR BODY PIERCING FOR MINORS UNDER 14.