How much do comic artists get paid?

How much do comic artists get paid?

Pencil and inker artists can ask for $75 to $200 a page. Colorists often fall in the range of $35 to $125, and writers and letterers make $10 to $50 a page. A lucky few dozen famous artists working for top companies bring in $1,000 per page.

Do cartoonists make money?

An established cartoonist will, on average, sell only 1 cartoon for every 20 they draw. Few magazines pay decently for cartoons. If a cartoon isn't selected by any of them, its earning potential drops close to zero. Magazines only want non-published cartoons, so a cartoon can earn money only once.

How do comic strips make money?

Develop strip-related merchandising. Income for most full-time artists of Web comics derives from merchandise of some sort, from T-shirts and stickers to bound collections of past strips, according to PBS, and traditional comic artists can also capitalize on this revenue stream.

What is the average income of a cartoonist?

The Bureau of Labor Statistics does not have any hard information regarding the specific career of cartooning. Some sources, however, suggest that the annual salary of a cartoonist is around $30,000 to $60,000 a year. Many cartoonists do not make a livable wage from their cartooning, however.

How do you write a comic strip?

Newspaper daily strips typically consist of either four panels (Doonesbury, For Better or For Worse) or three panels (Garfield, Dilbert).

What is the biggest threat to syndicated comics?

''The overwhelming temptation to become an instant millionaire is the biggest threat to the art of the comics page,'' said Berke Breathed, creator of ''Bloom County,'' a Pulitzer Prize-winning comic strip syndicated by the Washington Post Writers Group.

What is the size of a comic strip?

Traditional daily comic strips are printed at 6.5” wide by 2” tall and panels at 3.25” wide by 3.625” tall. Most cartoonists draw their comics larger than this, but keep the aspect ratio the same so that they shrink nicely.

What is comic strip format?

A comic strip is a sequence of images with a small amount of text in each box. This text is normally inside balloons or written as captions. Comic strips (or comic books) are a form of story-telling, which uses drawings or cartoon characters to tell a story.

How much does a political cartoonist make?

The average annual salary of a political cartoonist was $87,000 as of 2013, according to the job site Indeed. The most important aspect of becoming a political cartoonist is artist talent and wit and having an impressive portfolio to showcase those talents.