How many times should you do the Epley maneuver?

How many times should you do the Epley maneuver?

Position yourself cautiously and under conditions in which you can't fall or hurt yourself. Let your doctor know how you did. Give Patient Home Epley Maneuver to perform three times a day. Repeat this daily until free from positional vertigo for 24 hours.

Can I do the Epley maneuver on both sides?

In our experience, the Epley manoeuvre can work on the first attempt in 70%-80% or more of cases. It may need to be repeated a second or third time to completely settle the vertigo. If you have BPPV on both sides it will be necessary to treat each side separately on different days.

How long does Epley maneuver take to work?

The Epley maneuver takes about 15 minutes to complete. It has a cure rate of roughly an 80% cure rate, the first time it is applied ( Herdman et al, 1993; Helminski et al, 2010). Others don't do as well however, and Hughes et al reported only a 47% cure rate the first time (Hughes et al, 2015).