How many times do I have to beat Seifer?

How many times do I have to beat Seifer?

ten times

What happens if you lose to Setzer in kh2?

If Roxas loses, Setzer gives him a medal as “thanks”. When Sora is in the real Twilight Town later in the game, Setzer is the second opponent to be fought, accessible after defeating Hayner ten times. Ten victories over Setzer earns the player the right to challenge Seifer.

What happened Seifer?

Seifer is announced executed by the Galbadian government, and Rinoa reveals her past with Seifer to Squall and his party. Seifer is believed dead until he shows up in Deling City, standing at Edea’s side having become her sorceress’ knight.

How do you fight Seifer?


  1. Well…you need to beat hayner 10 times then setzer 10 times and you will finally be able to fight seipher.
  2. You have to beat Hayner 10 times in the Struggle, then beat Setzer 10 times, then you have Seifer to beat.

How many times do I have to beat Setzer?

You must beat him ten times to be able to fight Setzer.

Is Laguna Squall’s father?

Yes it’s true, Laguna is Squall’s father. There aren’t many hints in the story but the main one takes place in the Ragnorak near the end. Kiros and Ward are talking about Squall and one of them says it’s a good job Squall doesn’t look like his father, and it’s clear they’re talking about Laguna.

Do squall and rinoa end up together?

During their adventure, she is briefly possessed by the evil sorceress Ultimecia and becomes a sorceress herself once the spirit leaves her body. After defeating Ultimecia, Rinoa and Squall become a couple.

Are squall and rinoa brother and sister?

Squall is the son of Raine and Laguna, Rinoa is the daughter of Callaway and Julia. Ellone’s parents died and her foster parents are the biological parents of Squall.

Is rinoa Julia’s daughter?

Although circumstances kept Julia and Laguna apart their love was reconciled through the romantic involvement of their children, Rinoa (Julia’s daughter) and Squall (Laguna’s son). Little is known of Julia’s early life, other than her passion for music.

Why is Ffviii hated?

While I like the story it is not exactly conventional. The game also suffers from a big tonal shift in comparison to the other games in the series. Some people don’t like the more angst filled characters and story and feels it takes itself to too seriously where Final Fantasy has traditionally been more positive.

Does Laguna know Squall is his son?

Laguna knows Squall is his son. That is pretty much confirmed when Kiros tells Squall to be lucky he doesn’t look like his dad, and Laguna gets all butthurt about it.

What happened to Squall at the end of FF8?

At the end of disc one, Squall and Friends face Edea on a parade float in Deling City. Squall stumbles back and falls off the platform. He sees Rinoa above, reaching to him as he falls. Squall closes his eyes and dies.

Is Edea a permanent party member?

Party member Edea is a temporary playable character, controllable during the party’s trek across the Great Salt Lake and during the time Lunatic Pandora attacks Esthar City.

Is rinoa ultimecia?

Rinoa grows up to become Ultimecia. When Rinoa is older, some great tragedy could occur that deeply affects Rinoa and changes her slowly. This could be the death of Squall (or other loved ones) or some other disaster that happens in the FF8 world. Eventually, gripping on the brink of insanity, she becomes Ultimecia.

Who is Squall’s mother?


Does rinoa die in ff8?

When you look at the way things go, the game ends with Ultimecia AKA Rinoa going back into the past so she can die, giving her powers to Edea in the process. Thus, the plot effectively ends – and thus, begins with Rinoa’s death, and the entire rest of the game is merely her dying dream.

Why does ultimecia have griever?

Griever is not only a symbol of the virtues Squall values, but is also Squall’s interpretation of the ultimate Guardian Force. During the final battle, Ultimecia draws Griever from Squall’s mind, bringing Squall’s perceptions of the being into existence to fight the party.

How much HP does ultimecia have?

User Info: AbsoluteSteve. Her max level is 65, and her max HP is 43000 (Human), 176250 (Merged with Griever), and 278900 (Final Form).

How do you beat the griever in ff8?

re: how do i beat griever “Just use holy wars…” they say. You people crack me up. junction good magic such as meltdown and ultima to HP and SPR and have at least hp of 9999 for 2 people. Refine 100 megalixir from the bahamut card(before the battle), and heal if needed.

What does griever mean?

1 : a person who is experiencing grief (as because of bereavement) Antidepressants do not ease the longing for the deceased that grievers feel.—

How do grievers kill you?

A Griever can “sting” Gladers, or prick them, which causes extreme pain for up to days or weeks. Stung Gladers who take the Grief Serum usually regain some of their memories during the painful “Changing.” If a Glader does not take the serum, they die.

How does Gally die?

Later, Gally, who has been stung by a Griever, meets the group in the WCKD lab, telling them that they will never be free. He aims a gun at Thomas, but Minho throws a spear into Gally’s chest, but Gally survives, while Gally shoots a bullet into Chuck’s chest, killing him.

Does Minho die?

Minho does not die.

Does Thomas end up with Brenda?

Unfortunately he ends up with Brenda due to Teresa’s fate :'(. Brenda was put into the scorch by WICKED to be a replacement for Teresa and it felt like she did just that from the moment she met Thomas and kissed him on the cheek. Even though Teresa betrayed Thomas, she did it so that WICKED wouldn’t kill him.

What happens to Minho in death cure?

The Death Cure. In The Death Cure, four weeks later, Minho is left with his fellow Gladers without Thomas and wonders when he will meet him again. Teresa said she would and it was the only way to gain freedom from WICKED, though Minho and Newt disagreed.

Does Teresa die in death cure?

Actually, as sad as it is that Teresa dies, she didn’t die in vain. She dies to save her best friend.

Is Brenda immune to the flare?

At some point after the Flare was released, Brenda lost her mother to the disease. WICKED later realized Brenda was immune and attempted to take her away from her father, who attacked them with a wooden rolling pin before being shot dead in front of his daughter. Brenda eventually met Jorge, with whom she grew close.

Does Newt come back to life?

*Newt dies. Like in the book, Newt is infected with The Flare. Over the course of the movie, Newt’s condition worsens. Newt is ready to end his own life, but Thomas tries to stop him.