How many times are you required to contact your recruiter?

How many times are you required to contact your recruiter?

How many times are you required to contact your recruiter? Every Monday by phone. Twice a month in person for DEP & Mentoring meetings. Once in person 60 days, 30 days, and 7 days prior to your ship date.

What is DEP PT?

The Delayed Entry Program (DEP, also called the Delayed Enlistment Program or Future Soldiers Program in the Army), is a program whereby individuals going into active duty in the United States Armed Forces enlist first in the DEP before they ship out to Basic Training.

What do you wear to a DEP meeting?

If it is just a regular DEP meeting, jeans and t-shirt or sweatshirt is fine. If you are going on a DEP trip (visiting a ship or station or something), wear a collared shirt, either a polo or button-down shirt. Navy DEPPers right now should consider themselves lucky to be in DEP.

Is DEP mandatory?

Recruiters themselves do not have the authority to discharge individuals from the DEP. Some recruiting stations have those requesting a DEP discharge meet with the recruiting commander or a discharge board, where you will be pressured to change your mind. Such meetings are not mandatory.

Are DEP calls mandatory?

Yes, they are mandatory. I dep discharged many future Sailors for not attending mandatory dep meetings. You can schedule a make-up in advance for an occasional meeting you’re going to miss but that is a once in awhile thing not a every meeting thing. Talk to your recruiter and dialogue with them.31

How do I leave DEP?

If you want to withdraw from the DEP, write a brief letter to the local recruiting commander (not your individual recruiter) of the branch of the military you signed up for (see for battalion headquarters addresses).

Does DEP count towards retirement?

DEP is not creditable for retirement, your 20 year mark will be in July, but retirement date will be the end of the month. PEBD as someone else mentioned is only used for Reserve retirement. Your DIEMS will only come into play to determine which retirement plan you’re eligible for.

Can my parents go to MEPS with me?

At MEPS, your child will take the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test, undergo a physical examination (which varies by Service and job) and undergo a background screening. As a parent, you are free to accompany your child to MEPS, but you will be asked to wait in a separate area during the test.

Do you have to go to MEPS again if you switch branches?

MEPS already has your info once you go through their process, regardless of which branch you were associated with. Your new branch of choice just has to transfer your existing info over to their side. I had to go over to the medical station and explain why I was here again but It was less than a 5 minute conversation.

Do you go to MEPS twice?

A MEPS is the place where you’re screened to serve in any branch of the U.S. Armed Forces. Depending on your enlistment process, you may visit the MEPS once or twice. Those who visit only once typically stay for two days and proceed directly to basic training afterward.30

Can I change branches while in DEP?

If you are in the Delayed Enlistment Program (DEP), you would first have to request a DEP discharge from the branch you are enlisted in, and then apply to join the other service through the other service’s recruiter. You have to complete a Request for Conditional Release from your current branch of service.16

What happens on ship day at MEPS?

MEPS on ship day….. Just like the first day, the 2nd MEPS trip day begins early (around 6:00 AM). Usually, the first thing that occurs is a height/weight check, and females will have to provide a urine sample to check for pregnancy. Everyone will undergo a blood-alcohol test to ensure that they are not intoxicated.

How long does a MEPS background check take?

416 days

Can you wear a sports bra to MEPS?

A sports bra is acceptable. DO NOT WEAR STRAPLESS. A normal bra or sports bra is acceptable. Here are some of the tips I have gathered here for you in preparation for MEPS and the hotel stay.

Is MEPS hard?

MEPS is easy. You simply take a physical and pass the physical. And do a lot of paperwork. As for as what you can do, that generally means being in shape going to your delayed entry program meetings.

Do you go to MEPS before DEP?

Most people who enlist on active duty make two trips to the Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS). The first trip is for initial qualification determination, and enlisting in the Delayed Enlistment Program (DEP). The second trip is for actually enlisting on active duty and shipping off to basic training.

Can I go to MEPS without a recruiter?

If a candidate contacted the MEPS, HE/she would have been referred to someone in the list above anyway to resolve it because th MEPS has no authority in recruiting, they simply provide for the medical screening and entrance processing. Bottom line – if you have an issue with your recruiter, go to his/her boss.

Can my parents watch me swear in at MEPS?

Yes parents and family can go to MEPS. When I went through MEPS last year they weren’t allowed in the building until 0900 and could only be in the waiting room or go watch their family member swear in.

Is MEPS scary?

MEPS can be scary especially when they give you the briefing about lying that comes with a 10,000 fine, plus jail time. I once had a kid that got so scared he said he thought a might of had migraine headaches as a kid. 1000’s of kids go through MEPS every year. The majority do just fine.