How many keystrokes is 50 wpm?

How many keystrokes is 50 wpm?

50 wpm = 12,500 kph.

What is the average wpm for a 25 year old?

Average Typing Speed Per Minute of All Levels – Identify Yours Here!

Category Range (WPM)
Adults Very Slow <26
Slow/Beginner 26 – 35
Intermediate/Average 36 – 45
Fast/Advanced 46 – 65

Is typing 120 wpm fast?

An average professional typist types usually in speeds of 50 to 80 wpm, while some positions can require 80 to 95 (usually the minimum required for dispatch positions and other time-sensitive typing jobs), and some advanced typists work at speeds above 120 wpm.

Is 78 wpm fast?

For a touch typist I think 70 to 80 is average. Anything over 100 is fast. Anything over 100+ wpm is fast, but ultimately unless you work as a stenographer it’s a completely useless measurement, in every day usage you’re limited by how fast you can think up sentences.

Is 80 wpm good for a 13 year old?

especially for a 13 years old. But this speed is good only with high accuracy rate. 85 WPM speed with over 95% accuracy is a great speed. 80 Words Per minute is actually pretty good, but as always, You can always improve, so keep on typing!

Is 70 wpm good for a 15 year old?

Yes. It’s extremely good typing speed. You’ll be covered for most typing related jobs which require 40–70 wpm minimum.

What is the average wpm for a 22 year old?

The average reading speed for middle grades is is 100–200 wpm, the average adult is 200–300 wpm, and engaged readers often go far above that, I think my rate is 600–800 depending on the material.

What is the average words per minute for a 15 year old?

65 wpmA typing speed of 65 wpm for a 15 year old is actually very good and considered to be above average. Thanks to the development of typing programs and how schools implement keyboarding classes, average Typing Speed has now increased to 35 – 45 wpm.

Is 70 wpm fast?

60 wpm: This is the speed required for most high-end typing jobs. 70 wpm: You are way above average! You would qualify for any typing job assuming your typing accuracy is high enough. 80 wpm: You’re a catch!

Who is the fastest typer alive?

Barbara Blackburn

Who is the world’s fastest writer?

Spoorthi pradhata Reddy

Who has the world’s best handwriting?

Prakriti Malla from Nepal has the most beautiful handwriting in the world. She was away from the limelight until her writing got viral on social media. It is a beauty of social media that the good things get viral and reach to almost everyone.