How many degrees is 11pi 12?

How many degrees is 11pi 12?


What degree is pi?

Radians and Degrees

Degrees Radians (exact) Radians (approx)
60° π/3 1.047
90° π/2 1.571
180° π 3.142
270° 3π/2 4.712

How many degrees is pi 6 radians?

Table of angles

Degrees Radians Binary Radians ( brad )
30° Pi / 6 5461
36° Pi / 5 6554
45° Pi / 4 8192
57.296° 1 10430

How many degrees is π 10 radians?

18010 degrees

How many radians is 240?

1 Answer. Manikandan S. 2400=3π2.

How do you find Coterminal angles?

Finding coterminal angles is as simple as adding or subtracting 360° or 2π to each angle, depending on whether the given angle is in degrees or radians. There are an infinite number of coterminal angles that can be found. Following this procedure, all coterminal angles can be found.

What is the Coterminal angle of 400?

Trigonometry Examples Find an angle that is positive, less than 360° , and coterminal with 400° . Subtract 360° 360 ° from 400° 400 ° . The resulting angle of 40° 40 ° is positive, less than 360° 360 ° , and coterminal with 400° 400 ° .

What is the Coterminal angle of 45?

In Mathematics, the coterminal angle is defined as an angle, where two angles are drawn in the standard position. Also both have their terminal sides in the same location. For example, the coterminal angle of 45 is 405 and -315.

What is the Coterminal angle of 60?

Coterminal angle of 60° (π / 3): 420°, 780°, -300°, -660°

What is the Coterminal angle of 390 degrees?

Trigonometry Examples Subtract 360° 360 ° from 390° 390 ° . The resulting angle of 30° 30 ° is positive, less than 360° 360 ° , and coterminal with 390° 390 ° .

What is the reference angle of 60?

Reference angle for 60°: 60° (π / 3)

What is the Coterminal angle of 120?

Coterminal angles are angles in standard position with the same terminal side. For example, angles measuring 120° and – 240° are coterminal.

What angle is Coterminal to 128?

All angles having a measure of 128° + 360k°, where k is an integer, are coterminal with 128°. A positive angle is 28° + 360°(3) or 1208°.