How many countries have the letter A?

How many countries have the letter A?

11 countries
Of the 194 countries on Earth, 11 countries start with the letter A. A total of 11 countries and three territories in the world begin with the letter A.

Is there any country that starts with W?

There are no recognized sovereign states that begin with the letter W. In fact, W and X are the only alphabetic letters that do not have any countries beginning with that letter. The letters O, Q, and Y begin the names of one country each, composed of Oman, Qatar, and Yemen respectively.

What country starts with a letter A?

Countries that start with “A”

# Country Density (P/Km²)
1 Argentina 17
2 Algeria 18
3 Afghanistan 60
4 Angola 26

What country has the least letters in its name?

Chad, for example, is officially recognized as the Republic of Chad while Oman is formally known as the Sultanate of Oman….Which Country Has the Shortest Name?

Rank Country Number of Letters
1 Chad 4
2 Cuba 4
3 Fiji 4
4 Iran 4

What country has 3 letter A?

Can you name the Countries with exactly three A’s in their name?

Country % Correct
Albania 45.8%
Afghanistan 41.1%
United States of America 34%
Panama 28.3%

What is the shortest alphabet in the world?

Rotokas alphabet
Rotokas alphabet. It is the smallest alphabet in use today. The majority of the Rotokas people are literate in their language.

What is a European country that starts with D?


  • ► Denmark‎ (16 C, 2 P)
  • ► Kingdom of Denmark‎ (12 C, 6 P)

What states start with an A?


  • Alabama.
  • Alaska.
  • Arizona.
  • Arkansas.

How many countries have the letter A?

How many countries have the letter A?

11 countriesOf the 194 countries on Earth, 11 countries start with the letter A. There are 11 countries with names that begin with A. A is the most popular letter for country names to begin with. Interestingly, most country names that start in A also end in A, with the exception of Afghanistan and Azerbaijan.

What country does not have an A in the name?

There are four countries in the Americas that do not include the letter A. These are Mexico in North America, Belize in Central America, and Chile, and Peru in South America.

What country has 3 letter A in its name?

United States of America–more commonly known as the “United States” or “US”.