How many cities start with San in California?

How many cities start with San in California?

Google credit – San Bernardino, San Benito, San Andreas, San Anselmo, San Arco, San Antonio heights, San Ardo, San Bruno , Ventura is actually San Buenaventura , San Dimas, the list goes on. This is a city list from Wikipedia with all the cities in California that start with San. (22 total).

Why do California cities start with San?

California was filled with lots of Spanish missionaries who were trying to convert the native population to Christianity and their missions sometimes grew into towns and then cities and those cities maintained their names. In Spanish, San and Santa are both terms for Saint.

How many places are in California?

482 municipalitiesCalifornia is divided into 58 counties and contains 482 municipalities. One, San Francisco, is a consolidated city-county. California law makes no distinction between "city" and "town", and municipalities may use either term in their official names.