How many Chocograph pieces are there?
How many Chocograph pieces are there?
Where is the uncultivated land Chocograph?
Chocobo Forest
How do you get to Chocobo Lagoon?
The lagoon can be reached easily by a sea chocobo, but can be accessed with a reef chocobo if the party has either the Blue Narciss boat, or Hilda Garde III or Invincible airships.
How do I get the reef Chocobo ff9?
Choco must have the REEF ability to travel in the light blue colored water areas to find Chocobo’s Lagoon. Ride Choco north across the reefs in this area, curving south until you reach an island with a cave visible in the side, close to the reef.
How do I fly my Chocobo in ff9?
To fly with your Gold Chocobo, ride it like you would normally, walk into a regular forest (i.e. not Evil Forest), and press Confirm (default X) to take off.
What does dead Pepper do ff9?
Final Fantasy IX They can be used to drill cracks on mountainsides, or dive beneath bubbling waters in the sea, to uncover hidden treasures, or giving access to Chocobo’s Air Garden and Mognet Central. They can also be used in battle to deal 30 damage for every Dead Pepper in the inventory.
How do you get Zidane Ultima Weapon?
Zidane’s Ultimate Weapon is the Ultima Weapon which can only be found at the later stages of the game on disc 4. It is located near the fourth Dive Spot around the Shimmering Island when following the Chocobo Dive side-quests.
How do you get a gold chocobo in ff9?
Final Fantasy IX The gold chocobo is called the Sky Chocobo, and is Choco’s final evolution. The player must locate the six Chocograph pieces in Chocobo’s Forest and Chocobo’s Lagoon, completing the Mist Ocean chocograph that holds the Sky upgrade. The gold chocobo can enter Chocobo’s Air Garden.
How do I get to Mognet central ff9?
Mognet’s HQ is located behind a mountain crack on the Cazedil Plains near the northern edge of the Outer Continent. You need Choco’s Mountain ability and some Dead Peppers to access Mognet Central.
How do I get to mois ff9?
Towards the end of the Superslick quest, you have to deliver a letter to Mois at who is at an entrance to Fossil Roo. But you have to get to him from Qu’s Marsh (back entrance). You’ll need Quinna in your party to get to the secret path.
How do I upgrade my Chocobo ff9?
The more you play and the more you find, the more ChocoGraphs/Pieces you find, your chocobo’s Beak also levels up. Some times the items are found under ground and you must repeatedly tap Square to dig for them, the higher the level of your chocobo’s beak – the faster you dig up these items.
How do you get to Fossil Roo?
To find the entrance to Fossil Roo, head east from the pair of moogles until you see a passage through the tall grass. Quina will chase some frogs, inadvertently leading you to the excavation site entrance. It’s recommended that you head back to the overworld and save, before heading into Fossil Roo.
Where is Fossil Roo ff9?
The entrance to Fossil Roo is hidden in the Qu’s Marsh near Lindblum. Zidane, Vivi, and Princess Garnet find Quina in the marsh, who leads them through the tall grass in search of frogs to dine on.
How do you get Quina?
Quina can be recruited to the party on disc 1 after first leaving Lindblum on foot. The party is supposed to make its way to Gizamaluke’s Grotto, but if they visit the Mist Continent Qu’s Marsh, they can meet with Quina and Quale, the latter asking for the party to take Quina along.
How do you get to Fossil Roo on Disc 4?
You must have Quina in your party to get to fossil roo,which can only be entered from the Mist Continent’s Qu’s Marsh. aaaaaaaaahhh! no, the entrance to fossil roo is blocked by rubble, even with Quina. It’s in disc 4,and Mois is NOT inside the fossil roo,he’s OUTSIDE of it.
Can Quina eat Gizamaluke?
Quina cannot eat the monster so do not try, use s/he for healing.
What level should I be for Gizamaluke?
re: HOW DO YOU BEAT BOSS GIZAMALUKE IN THE GIZAMALUKE GROTTO? 1} Make sure your at a good lvl 12-20.
Is Quina an optional character?
During Disc 1 of the game, Quina is an optional character. If you do not recruit Quina then, s/he can be recruited in the same place during Disc 2, at which point having Quina join your party is a mandatory requirement of finding a way to get to the Outer Continent, and making progress through the game.
Is Quina a girl?
In the Italian version, Quina is said to be female, like Quale, and has rearranged with Roman dialect.
What happened Vivi ff9?
Yes, Vivi died. As sad as it is, the little black mage does stop working at the end of the game. A lot of characters die in this game. Garnet’s mom died in the beginning.
Are Zidane and Kuja brothers?
They’re brothers in that they were both created by garland with a special purpose.
How long do black mages live?
about one year
Is KUJA dead?
He dies. The entire ending subplot was that Kuja had gone insane because he learned he was going to die. He has an expiration date, and the fact that he does causes him to want to destroy all of existence. Plus if you bring Kuja back in a sequel, you lose all meaning of that scene with him and Zidane.
Does Zidane die ff9?
Zidane is dead. During the end scene, after the battle with Necron, Zidane runs after Kuja to save him from the Iifa Tree. He’s overcome by some vines and him and Kuja are clearly crushed to death in the end of the scene.
Is Vivi a boy or girl?
Vivi as a girl’s name is of Latin origin meaning “lively”.
How old is Eiko?
6 years
What race is Vivi?
Black Mage
Are black mages human?
Those Black Mages are humanoid dolls made of Mist, not unlike the monsters that roam the land, but built by men as a living weapon. Some black mages(Like those in FFV or any other FF game with job classes) are just normal people either wearing shrouds or magically hiding their face.
How strong is Vivi?
Vivi was strong enough to make it into the Top 10 of Baroque Work which is still pretty impressive, by normal human standards anyways and we see later after the time skip she’s gained a greater deal of speed and agility, easily able to drop from several stories without issue.
Is Eiko or Dagger better?
Eiko is better in almost every way gameplay wise. Earlier access to some of the better spells and a good selection of spells exclusive to her. While Garnet has more summons I find Eiko’s more useful. Dagger is primarily a summoner and Eiko is a better white mage.