How long should you make out for?

How long should you make out for?

Four To 10 Minutes Personally, I find anywhere between four and 10 minutes to be a good amount of time if you don't have any intention of letting things get more intimate later on. It's just enough time to get into a rhythm and fan the flames while still calling it quits before tearing each other's clothes off.

What happens when you make out?

A 2007 study published in the journal Evolutionary Psychology found that kissing has three main functions: assessing a potential mate, initiating sexual activity, and bonding. According to Dr. Jill McDevitt, resident sexologist at CalExotics, a passionate kiss can increase the production of the love hormone, oxytocin.

What is the point of making out?

It's great for bonding. Making out with someone you like releases oxytocin, which makes us feel good and connected to the person we're kissing. Next time you and your man du jour hit a dull point in the conversation, making out is always a reasonable alternative.

Why does making out feel so good?

You can thank the many nerve endings in your lips for their part in making kissing feel so very good. Your lips have more nerve endings than any other part of your body. … Along with the oxytocin and dopamine that make you feel affection and euphoria, kissing releases serotonin — another feel-good chemical.