How long should the arm be on a trebuchet?

How long should the arm be on a trebuchet?

Virtual Trebuchet: A Web Based Trebuchet Simulatorhttp://www.virtualtrebuchet.com

What are the disadvantages of a trebuchet?

Disadvantages. Although trebuchets have greater power and range than catapults, they also have drawbacks. Trebuchets are more complicated than torsion catapults and therefore are plagued by mechanical breakdowns, require more maintenance, more skill to operate and a larger crew.

How much weight can a trebuchet throw?

First, it can handle heavier projectiles. A catapult’s maximum weight tops out at about 180 pounds; trebuchets top out at about 350. Second, compared with a torsion engine, it’s a fairly robust machine. Lastly, for a given weight of stone, the trebuchet has a longer range.

How far can a trebuchet shoot?

300 metres

How much does it cost to build a trebuchet?

It cost me around 300 dollars to build and that doesn’t include any cost for the weights (I had those available) and your cost would vary depending on how you improvise things. I just used the round metal weights that you use on a barbell. The thing about a trebuchet is that is actually a pretty simple siege engine.

Can I legally own a trebuchet?

Can I legally put a full size trebuchet in my front yard with a sign saying “Intruders will be sieged” in California? Probably yes. Though you might run foul of neighborhood association rules, HOA rules, city ordinances.

How long does it take to build a trebuchet?

Big trebuchets, the heaviest of medival artillery, often had large crews. The War Wolf, built to besiege Stirling Castle in 1304, took 60 men 3 months to build, and towered at least 300 feet tall.

What is the difference between a catapult and a trebuchet?

– Catapults are any device that throws an object, although it commonly refers to the medieval siege weapon. – Trebuchets are a TYPE of catapult, using gravity (with a counterweight) or traction (men pulling down), to propel the arm and often employing a sling at the end of the arm for greater distance.

Where does the potential energy in the lever arm come from?

It relies on gravitational potential energy—the type of energy you get by raising something up off the ground. A trebuchet has a lever arm with a large, heavy counterweight on one end and a smaller projectile on the other end. When the counterweight is raised up, it has lots of gravitational potential energy.

Why is my trebuchet shooting backwards?

If the machine is throwing with a very high arc, straight up or even backwards, the sling is slipping off the hook too soon. Add a little more bend to make it slip a little later. The same is true for the trebuchet sling.

What class lever is a trebuchet?

Class 1

What is the difference between a trebuchet and a Mangonel?

The mangonel did not have the accuracy or range of a trebuchet and threw projectiles on a lower trajectory than the trebuchet. The mangonel was a single-arm torsion catapult that held the projectile in a sling. The bucket was used to launch more rocks than a sling could; this made it different from an onager.

What are the 3 types of catapults?

Many different types of catapults were invented and used. Three of the most common were the ballista, the mangonel, and the trebuchet.

What are 5 types of catapults?

There are five historical types of catapults: the mangonel, onager, ballista and trebuchet, using three types of motive force: tension, torsion and gravity. Side view of a torsion powered mangonel catapult in the cocked position.

What type of catapult is the most accurate?

Among the various types of catapults, the trebuchet was the most accurate and among the most efficient in terms of transferring the stored energy to the projectile.

Why is 45 degrees the optimal angle?

The sine function reaches its largest output value, 1, with an input angle of 90 degrees, so we can see that for the longest-range punts 2θ = 90 degrees and, therefore, θ = 45 degrees. That means that the best way to launch a high-altitude projectile is to send it flying at a 90-degree angle to the ground—straight up.

What angle is best for a catapult?

45-degree angle

How far can a medieval catapult shoot?

Catapults can launch things a fair distance — 500 to 1,000 feet (150 to 300 meters) is common. It is surprising how much energy they can store. The gears are important, because they create a winch. The winch allows a person to put a great deal of energy into the catapult over a period of time.

How far can a catapult shoot?

500 to 1,000 feet

What type of catapult launches the farthest?

The 3 Main Types of Catapults are:

  • Ballista: The Ballista is a missile weapon that launches a large projectile at a distant target.
  • Mangonel:
  • The Mangonel is the most iconic type of catapult and is what most people think of when they think of a catapult.
  • The Trebuchet was designed for max power and distance.

Why is a trebuchet better than a catapult?

Roughly speaking, a trebuchet has two and a half advantages over a catapult: It can handle heavier projectiles. A catapult’s maximum weight tops out at about 180 pounds; trebuchets top out at about 350. Compared to a torsion engine, it’s a fairly robust machine.

What is the purpose of the trebuchet?

A trebuchet, also sometimes called a trebucket is a medieval siege engine, a weapon employed either to batter masonry or to throw projectiles over walls.

What does trebuchet mean?

: a medieval military engine for hurling heavy missiles (such as rocks)

Are trebuchets accurate?

Put simply, a trebuchet could never hit the exact same spot twice no matter how good its operating team was. Admittedly it still was quite accutate and quite an effective weapon during a siege. Some trebuchets teams were so good they could breach a wall or get in under an hour.

How long should the arm be on a trebuchet?

How long should the arm be on a trebuchet?

Dan Becker suggests that the optimum arm ratio is 4to 1 or greater. Philip Radlinski explains that as the size of the throwing arm increases, the distance the projectile is thrown increases then rapidly decreases. This means that the shape of the graphed results will most likely be an inverse parabola.

How does the length of the catapult arm affect how far the ball travels?

How does the length of the throwing arm affect the horizontal distance travelled by an object that is thrown from a catapult? Increasing length of the throwing arm, also increases the horizontal distance travelled by the thrown object.

What short arm length maximizes the initial speed when the payload is very heavy compared to the counterweight?

In general, what short arm length maximizes the initial speed when the payload is very heavy compared tothe counterweight? The 3 m short arm length maximizes the initial speed when the payload is very heavy compared to the counterweight.

What is the best arm ratio for a trebuchet?

General wisdom has a 5:1 ratio being the norm for a standard trebuchet, although 4:1 is sometimes used. The longer the ratio, the greater the speed that tip of the throwing arm will reach – but also increasing the force required to move it quickly.

Why are long arms better for throwing light balls?

Longer arms can also help throw a ball faster and farther due to the increased centrifugal force they can generate during the throwing motion, according to The Sport Journal. Regardless of the arm length, however, proper warmups and throwing mechanics are critical to reduce the risk of injuries.

How far can a trebuchet throw?

The largest medieval trebuchets, with throwing arms 50 feet in length and ~20,000 lbs counterweight could throw stones 200-300 lbs to a distance of about 1000 feet.

What are some ways to defend a castle against attack gizmo?

What are some ways to defend a castle against attack? Building the castle high up and walls on the roof of the castle, high walls, towers, bridge. Gizmo Warm-up A counterweight trebuchet acts like a giant see- saw. Hanging from the “short arm” of the beam is a heavy counterweight .

Which modification to the trebuchet is most likely to increase the launch angle?

Which modification to the trebuchet is most likely to increase the launch angle? Explanation: If the prong angle is decreased, the sling will slip off the prong more easily and the projectile will be launched earlier, resulting in an increased launch angle.

Is it bad to have long arms?

It is perfectly normal for someone to have arms longer than their body.