How long is a 120 min?

How long is a 120 min?

2 hours

What time will it be in 117 minutes?

This conversion of 117 minutes to hours has been calculated by multiplying 117 minutes by 0.0166 and the result is 1.95 hours.

What is 9.2 hours and minutes?

This conversion of 9.2 hours to minutes has been calculated by multiplying 9.2 hours by 60 and the result is 552 minutes.

What is 3.7 hours in hours and minutes?

This conversion of 3.7 hours to minutes has been calculated by multiplying 3.7 hours by 60 and the result is 222 minutes.

What is 1 12th of an hour?

There are 60 minutes in an hour, so there are 120 minutes in 1/12th of a day.

How many minutes is 2 by 3 an hour?

To find 2/3 of an hour first we will divide 1 hour that is 60 minutes into 3 parts. So we will get 20 minutes. So we 2parts out of 3 parts of an hour so we get 20X2=40minutes.

What fraction of an hour is 3 minutes?


What fraction of 2 hours is 12 seconds?

Answer. Your answer is 1/600.

What part of an hour is 5 seconds?

In 5 s there are 0.h . Which is the same to say that 5 seconds is 0.hours.

What fraction of 2 hr is 18 s?

One hour has 60 minutes and each minute has 60 seconds. Therefore one hour has 3600 seconds. So 1 second/1 hour = 1 second/3600 seconds = 1/3600. So 1 second is 1/3600 fraction of an hour.

What is the fraction of an hour is a second?

Answer. 1/3600……………….!!!!

How do you find a fraction of an hour?

Because the number of minutes in an hour is fixed at 60, you can convert any number of minutes into a fraction of an hour by dividing it by 60. For example, 10 minutes is 10/60 = 1/6 of an hour, and 24 minutes is 24/60 = 6/15 of an hour.

What fraction of a day is one hour?


How many SEC are in a HR?

3600 seconds

How many seconds are in 4 hours 23 minutes 15 seconds?

I believe that there would be 15,795 seconds in that. 4 hours is equal to 240 minutes. 240 +23= 263… 263* 60+15 is equal t0 15,795.

How many MS are in a minute?

60000 milliseconds