How long does it take to withdraw from Zoloft?

How long does it take to withdraw from Zoloft?

Withdrawal symptoms typically persist for up to three weeks. The symptoms gradually fade during this time. Most people who quit taking their antidepressants stop having symptoms after three weeks. There are many factors that affect how long withdrawal symptoms last.

How do I quit taking Zoloft?

The best way to avoid severe discontinuation symptoms is to reduce your dose gradually under the supervision of your doctor. If your symptoms are too severe, it may be necessary for you to wean yourself off more slowly. The symptoms will pass in time, however, as your brain adapts to the new dosage.

How do I stop taking Zoloft 50mg?

Reduce gradually over a minimum of 4 weeks; 50 mg every 5–7 days to final dose of 25–50 mg. No recommendations, as reports of withdrawal are rare. Reduce gradually over a minimum of 4 weeks. Reduce gradually over a minimum of 4 weeks.

How do I come off sertraline 100mg?

How do I come off sertraline? If you have been feeling better for 6 months or more, your doctor may suggest coming off sertraline. Your doctor will probably recommend reducing your dose gradually over several weeks, or longer if you have been taking sertraline for a long time.