How long does it take to raise a pig for slaughter?

How long does it take to raise a pig for slaughter?

Most pig farmers buy “weaners,” piglets about two or three months old that are no longer reliant on their mother's milk; they then raise the pigs to slaughter weight (typically about 250 pounds), which on factory-style farms is attained by the time they're 6 months old.

How do you raise a pig for meat?

To keep feed bills down, you should plant a patch of corn or supply extra food scraps or garden or orchard produce. In fact, good pasture, fenced into three lots for rotating will supply 10 to 15 percent of the total food for a couple of pigs.

What is the best pig to raise for meat?

Berkshire Pig – Berkshire pigs are one of the oldest heritage breeds of hogs. Originally from the Berk area in England, the Berkshires are a popular choice for meat production and possess an easy going personality. They have a 600-pound average market weight is easily obtained with foraging.

Is it hard to raise pigs?

Easy – Fun – Cute – I think pigs are one of the easiest farm animals to raise. We have and have had a lot of animals: dairy cows, beef cows, calves, layer chickens, broiler chickens, dogs, cats, guinea fowl, ducks, rabbits, a ferret, even a broad-headed skink has lived here. Pigs are low, low maintenance.