How long does it take to raise a meat chicken?

How long does it take to raise a meat chicken?

about 8-12 weeksIt takes about 8-12 weeks to raise a meat chicken to maturity, while it takes about 6 months to raise a laying chicken to maturity (when they start laying eggs). 8-12 week old mature meat chickens will have the freshest tasting meat, tender & juicy.

Is it worth it to raise meat chickens?

RAISING MEAT CHICKENS IS WORTH IT So, bottom line – while we didn't save money raising meat birds, it was completely worth it to have good quality food. Aside from the cost, we learned a few things about raising meat chickens.

How are chickens raised for meat?

Chickens raised for their flesh—called “broiler” chickens by the meat industry—are typically confined to massive, windowless sheds that hold tens of thousands of birds each. They were almost like statues of chickens, living in nearly total darkness, and they would spend every minute of their six-week lives that way.”

How many meat chickens should I raise?

Before you get the chicks, consider whether you want to raise meat birds. They're very different from laying hens. You'll have a lot (usually 50 or more, although you could just raise a few) of fast-growing birds.